Battalion Wars.....Online?


Semper Ubi Sub Ubi
Nov 26, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
Right, hit up the search and I wasn't able to come across anything about this game being online.

I'm really looking forward to having a war style game like this online. I found the campaign mode on Advanced Wars DS to be rather lame, but multiplayer is a blast (i actually had a 6 hour advanced wars battle on a bus ride home from a high school band trip, me and my partner won). So of course I'm gonna be hoping for some fun online play with Battalion Wars. None of the DS multiplayer crap either. It works for the DS, but for the Wii we need a lobby system. Maybe even a ranking system?

So is there any final word on whether Battalion Wars is going to be online or not?
Yeah it will have online play, it will be the second game to have it, Pokemon being the first.
StevenNevets said:
Who said it's the second?

Thats what I read in Nintendo Power, Pokemon will be the first to have online play, then battalion will be second. They had metroid on the list as well, but thats being delayed or w/e, so I think battalion will be second.

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