Best way to ask...


Wii would like to play
Sep 9, 2006
Wii Online Code
Well I have 200$ right now, but that would not be enough...

My birthday is the 30th of September, and I kind of want cash...

My parents wouldn't just give me money, nor would they let me cash any of the checks I am/will Recieve :\

How should I ask them for either cash or to "help" me pay for the Wii...
Weeelll... with the cash u do get that might be enough.. or you could jus tell them what your saving for. If u ask them to put money towards it, then im sure they'd agree. But if u get checks off other relatives it would be best to put that in bank anyway, so u dont spend ALL your money on the Wii :)
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Wiired said:
Weeelll... with the cash u do get that might be enough.. or you could jus tell them what your saving for. If u ask them to put money towards it, then im sure they'd agree. But if u get checks off other relatives it would be best to put that in bank anyway, so u dont spend ALL your money on the Wii :)

I know, I have a lot in the bank (more then 10,000$ :p)

Its just I never get to spend it :p

I think ill try that, or I could play my gamecube/ps2/xbox/computer so much they are like :O and then I ask for like 50$ because im saving...

Or I can ask my friend for 50$

Decisions..... Wii is worth it though
..Or you could do what I did.. and sold my PS2 and Gamecube to put money towards it.. but obviously you got alotta money towards it already.. and i'm sure one of those consoles you don't play all the time :D so put it on ol' eBay
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  • #6
Wiired said:
..Or you could do what I did.. and sold my PS2 and Gamecube to put money towards it.. but obviously you got alotta money towards it already.. and i'm sure one of those consoles you don't play all the time :D so put it on ol' eBay

Not aloud to sell on Ebay, if i was id sell my runescape account for 2000$ (Sad, I know)

I could sell it to Eb games and probually get like what, 50$ for gamecube? 50$ for ps2? 50$ for xbox? (I could just sell the gamecube because those games work with wii, though)
if you want i can dig up my: tips of making extra cash for wii thread thingy, which tells you how,
and my mom is the same way, she wont give me just cash, so ask for gift cards to game stop ^.^

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