Caitlyn Here! Noob 101.


WiiChat Member
Jan 1, 2010
New York
Hey, just figured I'd say hello. Just finally figure out how to hook up my cod mw today onto multiplayer...but im getting my arse kicked. I play AA(America's Army) online, so this is...different. Never had a system before the I'm pretty much lost as to where I'm supposed to find my friend code thing. But I'd like to play cod with a group of people I can sorta talk I can figure out these controls. Any hints would be great! It sucks when I pwn on the computer but phail ridiculously on the boyfriend is gonna have a feildday if he could see how bad I'm doing, meanwhile on the ps3 he is getting 25 kills and a nuclear bomb >< no fair.
Anywho sorry for talking your ears off.
Cait aka [SN^^]WaitForDark-LS
Welcome to Wiichat. For MWR, in Shipment, it's VERY easy to get kills. You just have to be sneaky, and start knifing people. I remember this one time, on Domination, on Shipment, they tried to take A, so, I either shot them or knifed them. I got 50 kills on that game, with less than 10 deaths.

Welcome to Wiichat, again.

Also, there is no possible way to talk to people online on the Wii. Very dissapointing.... You can't do voice chat, only text chat, but only for Animal Crossing.
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Thats the issue, I never learned to knife I'm just that clueless...I didn't even know that you could do that.
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O alright, sounds simple enough, I always wondered how people would kill me from an inch away. Try shooting someone who is in your face lol.
Welcome to WiiChat Caitlyn.

Yep, knifing would be the way to go in those close situations. Or if you're fast enough and have good aim, switch to your pistol. :)

Enjoy the forums.
welcome. If you suck on the wii...imagine the xbox360. The PC is not hard to totally dominate in...i can get up to 112 kills on the PC (there are some ridiculous score limits on the PC lobbies)
Domination is fun. What I think is frustrating is Sabotage.
Oh most certainly. Sabotage is frustrating at times because of the low amount of tactical players in my opinion. At best it is just a race from each position to the next. Sort of like a chaotic SnD
One team has to get the ball on the other side. But he has tododge the other team who will stop him from doing that. One person has the ball. 10-11 people are defending him. The whole other team is focusing on knocking downthe ball carrier. The same as Sabotage. One person has the bomb. 4 people are defending him. The other team must shoot down the bomb carrier and The defenders.

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