CALL OF DUTY 3 help needed


wii are you doing this
Dec 26, 2006
i bought my the call of duty 3 game for the wii looks cool but am stuck at the second checkpoint where you got to clear a house and a german atacks you wich results in a hand to han strugle i said to get out of this you got to move the conrols side by side like the wii box sport dit that doesnt do anithing then the german hits you and game over again wiyh the german again strugle again death anybody has this same prob cant get past this
i know what you mean... i struggled abit on it but to get out of it go mental on them... literally....GO MENTAL!.... push the nunchuck and wii remote forward and back continuasly, nunchuck up while wii remote down... untill it says another sign to do......

Basicly that will just make the caricter smack the german... just press the down button on the wii remote keypad.... its alot easyer.
I have both red steel and call of duty and cod 3 is way better.
LA33R said:
i know what you mean... i struggled abit on it but to get out of it go mental on them... literally....GO MENTAL!.... push the nunchuck and wii remote forward and back continuasly, nunchuck up while wii remote down... untill it says another sign to do......

or pretend the nunchuch and remoter are parts of your actual gun and have to remain parallel to each other when you move them. Then like LA33R said, go mental. I hate to say this, but there are going to be more mele parts that seem impossible, but like the old saying says "try, try, again". It took me several tries to get past some meele parts.
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now i get it

in the first level you got to learn to strugle your self out it said you got to point the controller and nunchuck at ech other and box to get out didnt work because you need to hold them like in the animation but with the buttons facing your body and box then it work like a charm had red steel went to change it way to easy couldnt die and isnt wat i hoped in sword fights expected more cod3 is pretty cool only poor grafics
Everyone gets stuck here, the key is to point the buttons of the Wii-Mote and the analog of the Nunchuck toward your body instead of keeping the controllers horizontal. Thats the biggest mistake people make.
Don't forget to hold them together like you're holding your rifle to hit him in the face with the butt of the gun once you get it free

WuZeMu said:
I'd sell it and get Red Steel if i were you.
WTF?! Red Steel sucks!!! So does Far Cry!! Red Steel was just a lousy FPS demo
showing future abilities for the Wii. COD3 rocks. The way you do this is go fast, and keep trying in a few ways go much faster than the screen demo. My sister did this. I got through the level because of her :yesnod: also theres a part where it tell you to pull the two controllers down in a straight line towards the right angle, do this FAST. FAST, SPEED!!!! I was calling WuZeMu an idiot.
Zori said:
Everyone gets stuck here, the key is to point the buttons of the Wii-Mote and the analog of the Nunchuck toward your body instead of keeping the controllers horizontal. Thats the biggest mistake people make.
Also go fast, VERY FAST!!!
Lame Question - Don't Flame

This is really poor but just got my Wii 17/02/07:

CoD 3, Zelda, 2 Remotes & Numchuks

Love Zelda after I got to it - Wii Sports is fun, fun, fun, couldn't put it down. :lol:

In CoD 3 after the tutorial the orders are to collect your sub-machine gun and get on the truck. I can't find the sub-machine gun anywhere. Help!

Like I said, its a lame question. Tried googling but no help anywhere - probably coz no one else is this dumb! :tard:

hand to hand with the wii remote/nunchuk

Zori said:
Everyone gets stuck here, the key is to point the buttons of the Wii-Mote and the analog of the Nunchuck toward your body instead of keeping the controllers horizontal. Thats the biggest mistake people make.
Also go fast, VERY FAST!!!
Thanks to Zori and the requotes from others I was able to turn the wii remote and nunchuk toward my body, wow! I was able to do it in an earlier scene but I didn't realize how , thanks for making the instructions understood. I wish there was a better controller for those games

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