Can the Wii Controllers work with NES, SNES and 64 games?


Guardian of the Garden
Jul 6, 2006
Can you use the Wii controllers (not just the Virtual Console controllers) with NES, SNES, N64 games? Or would you need to purchase 2 Virtual controllers or more to play multiplayer?

- Scythe
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Arcadium said:
Of course u should buy more VC controllers to play on those games

So the Wii Remotes will not work with NES, SNES or the N64 Virtual Console? Just the VC Controllers? (I just want to make 100% sure) This is a fact that you know of Arcadium?

- Scythe
Arcadium, I am sick of you posting at least one sentence response just so that you can get a high score of replies under your profile. Numbers don't mean anything - only the responses do! And I would like the bloody avatar removed since it just fills alot of space on the internet site. Hence the reason I don't have an avatar.

Scyther, in response to your query, the virtual controllers work with the older games. The wiimote does not work with the old games unfortuantely. I was looking forward to seeing and experiencing a new controller input for the old games as i'm so used to buttons and joysticks. Will have to use them again for the virtual games.
im pretty sure that the gamecube controller works with the older games also.

i hope that is the case, therefore, i dont have to break my bank on "wii day"
linkzeldagame said:
Arcadium, I am sick of you posting at least one sentence response just so that you can get a high score of replies under your profile. Numbers don't mean anything - only the responses do! And I would like the bloody avatar removed since it just fills alot of space on the internet site. Hence the reason I don't have an avatar.

Scyther, in response to your query, the virtual controllers work with the older games. The wiimote does not work with the old games unfortuantely. I was looking forward to seeing and experiencing a new controller input for the old games as i'm so used to buttons and joysticks. Will have to use them again for the virtual games.
JA! man look ;) I don't write a lot in a thread or a comment is because I am lazy :D and I'm kind of person who doesn't like to write a lot... and of what u just said about the post, I really don't care about the posts.... I know I'm on the best posters but it doesn't matter to me... yeah, sometime I can be A LOT OF PROUD of that but it doesn't matter to me... I just enjoy this forum as the rest of us and we just have to let our opinion not write a book as u do in ur comments or as I'm doing on this comment.

PD: Don't get sick :sick: of me ;) better get a medicine
i thought one reason the wiimote looks like it does is because it has a d-pad on one side and a and b buttons on the other like a NES controller. is that false now?
Mr_Stoukaph said:
i thought one reason the wiimote looks like it does is because it has a d-pad on one side and a and b buttons on the other like a NES controller. is that false now?

its probably made that way, to make it look like, as a pun, to go back to the golden ages when gameplay was better than graphics.

so why not make the controller like that to?
Yeah, I heard you could use the wiimote for nes games and the other controller hook up was for snes, N64 cause they're more complex and need more buttons and different set-ups.
it wont matterto me personally . i going to keep my gamecube controller to play the old games. i still think that controller is "groovy"

ooo danm i really was planning on playing som old games and wind waker, but now i'm starting to wonder if i should...:p are u sure we can't play with the wii-mote??...:(
I guess I'll just have to buy a bunch of gamecube controllers to go along with the wii controllers and all kinds of other stuff. Since it's such a multiplayer system Nintendo will probably make a ton of $$ off of controllers and other device hook-ups. But it's all good.
there is no way you can get me to buy all those extra controllers. 2 wiimotes and 2 nunchucks will be enough for my house. all of my friends will have there own anyways.

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