What 64 games will you be downloading to your Wii?

Probbably all of the Zelda games, DK 64, A hand full of Mario games
Supermariomp3 said:
I hope you could buy Pre-paid cards in stores for the Virtual Console
Super Mario 64
Pokemon Stadium 1 &2
Donkey Kong 64
Ocarina of Time

I do too, don't have a credit card :'(
i missed out on the N64 zelda games so I definatly be getting
ocarina of time
majora's mask
supermario 64
I would be getting conker bad furday but too bad it wont be available
Zelda Fan said:
i missed out on the N64 zelda games so I definatly be getting
ocarina of time
majora's mask
supermario 64
I would be getting conker bad furday but too bad it wont be available
you missed some great times.
I agre it is crap that conkers not avaliable, funny funny game
007 Golden Eye and Super Smash Brothers.. man those were my all time favorite games ever back on N64..

Mario Kart, and Mario Party 1-3
Bad Fur Day
Battle Tanks
Jet Force Jemini
****..what was that game called..you were in like fash ships and you went super fast and did crazy courses DAMN IT!
Those fun Star Wars games
and Mario 64 of course!

Guys, Nintendo should have rights to those games, even though they don't own RARE anymore, those games are Nintendo's right, so I'm 100% sure those games will be playable.
Sovieto said:
****..what was that game called..you were in like fast ships and you went on crazy courses
F-ZERO??? I think thats what your talking about
All mario games
Both Zelda Games, man ive clocked them both unlocking everything (as in majoras mask getting every mask) but the game is so dam good
Maybe donkey kong and diddy kong racing :)