can wii go online

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it hasnt been confirmed but it has a wifi connection and can connect wirelessly to the ds... so yea.. if you have a wireless router and a broadband connection. Nintendo isnt going to establish their own system like xbox live, but instead the game developers are going to decide whether or not they want to make the game online and program it themselves. Also Wii has a built in internet browser named Opera...
better question...

"Will the Wii have online multi-player capabilities"?

Unless you really did mean to ask if the Wii had any online features.
Not to be rude but don't post if u don't even know this:sick:

Go to IGN and fill up ur mind w/ wii facts, TP, MP, all the other games and look up the controllers why u'r at it. You must become a one w/ the N. NOW GO!
ssbb_lover said:
Not to be rude but don't post if u don't even know this:sick:

Go to IGN and fill up ur mind w/ wii facts, TP, MP, all the other games and look up the controllers why u'r at it. You must become a one w/ the N. NOW GO!

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wii copies everybody gamecube dident have online.i hate all u wii fanboys just as i thought.and u fanboys have the nerve to say ps3 copies.wii is for kids ill probly buy it for a 7 year old have fun with it.
If you really have the nerve to come on to a Nintendo only forum and talk trash about it, then at least have some sort of reason or facts why you think Wii coppied ANYONE? Oh and also, at least try to make your replies understandable and not just babble like some drunk ass trying to make sense
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people are going to look like idiots playing wii i wont be surprised when nintendo gets sued because a kid hit another kid playing with the controller.
I dont think Nintendo gives a crap if some one looks different, or "stupid" as you say, playing their system and neither do I. I find it funny that when things are so new and different, people have no response to it but to criticise it. But when people actually try it out and love it, or people hear how fun it is, then they feel its okay to try it because it is now the norm and they wont feel "stupid" as you so specifically put.
wiiener said:
it hasnt been confirmed but it has a wifi connection and can connect wirelessly to the ds... so yea.. if you have a wireless router and a broadband connection. Nintendo isnt going to establish their own system like xbox live, but instead the game developers are going to decide whether or not they want to make the game online and program it themselves. Also Wii has a built in internet browser named Opera...

would a wireless router be required?
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