Cel-Shading? The Future?


Aug 6, 2006
Ok well, if your wondering what Cel-Shading is, all I know is* that it's a type of shading and graphic design that makes games look very pretty and perfect.
I think Cel-Shading is the future for Wii, all though it dosent have the power of 360 or PS3, it can accomplish awesome Cel-Shading like in the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, if you notice in that game, everything seems perfect. Cartoony? I believe it was designed that way, becuase the new Racing Game, GT Pro Series, that uses Cel-Shading, but makes it look super amazing, not so much realistic, but it's its own type of realistic. One you can't describe. So I think Wii should have a future of cel-shaded games, games made like this look amazing. (XIII used a not-so-great cel-shading, but still looked SUPER AMAZING!) Here are some pics of games with Cel-Shading! What do you think?

*For a thing on Cel-Shading I've yet to read, go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cel_shading


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It´s cool in some games but I think that games like Geist, Alone in the dark series, you know like scary horror could never take advantage of cell shading.
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yah House of the Dead 3 was suppose to use cel-shading but they dropped it becuase it just couldnt give the same feel of gore and what not, all though i do think it could work still now. but scary games, unless made dark-shaded, couldnt acheive the same freakyness
Ya... realtime SSS is the future. Sub Surface Scattering is a shading technique that allows for scattering of light on a material so that it looks more realistic. it is great for things like skin and things that dont have just one solid color all the way across. I havent heard of it ever being used in a game as it is generally very demanding, but hey... the future right!
I don't reckon its the future. It only works in certain games
Cel-Shading is.. Cel-Shading. Just a style of texture mapping. Deity_Link has it exactly as it is.
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This type of animation only works with games like "Jet Grind Radio" and "Jet Set Radio" or any other Japanese games that have that style or feel to the game play itself. Otherwise it won't fit well with first person shooters, racing games and RPG's (unless they are children RPG's) because people are looking for realistic graphics in these gaming genres especially FPS's to make it feel more real.
It depends on it beong executed, I want to see variety I encourage more cell shading, and new techniques. One thing I know almost for certain is that the wii will probally drop the nintendo kiddy image. It is designed so well for first person shooters, that there has to be alot of fps coming out for it. Also racing games, I gurantee the wii is gonna have all kinds of racing games. Realistic simulations too. Also don't sleep on the wiis graphics just yet.
There will be realistic games if you ask me splinter cell looks damn good.
mario sinshine has a lil cel shading ans so does zelda tp, don't bellieve me? look at ion's 51 questions about zelda. i guess it depends how the developer uses it, i mean look at veiwful joe, its gorgeous
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NeMeZyZ said:
mario sinshine has a lil cel shading ans so does zelda tp, don't bellieve me? look at ion's 51 questions about zelda. i guess it depends how the developer uses it, i mean look at veiwful joe, its gorgeous

yah the town and town people were cel shaded, thats why they looked perfect, and well i think the new mario would do good in cel shading, i would just like to see more games cel-shaded!
being a 3D artist cel shading is nothing more than a certain type of texture/material mixed with the right type of lighting, its been about for years and its not the future. However it does work nicely for certain games.

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