CoD5 Map Pack


WiiChat Member
May 6, 2007
It's out. Just thought i'd let you all know. im sure most of you do if you were on live today, its real big on the main menu. im dling it now, hopefully it wont let me down. i really just want the new nazi zombies map
Yes. They are great maps. Their alot better than alot of the ones on disk (fucking seelow). Zombie Verruckt is just insanely fun. I love it so.
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Yes. They are great maps. Their alot better than alot of the ones on disk (fucking seelow). Zombie Verruckt is just insanely fun. I love it so.

yeah the new zombie map is insanely huge and i love the juggernaut perk, it's expensive but damn its worth it. you can take like 5 hits in a row before going down. so far i've only made it to round 12 on the new map.

all the mp maps are awesome though. overall this map pack is a LOT better than the variety map pack that came out for cod4 in my opinion. i do wish there was some new ffa map, like the size of dome, maybe a little smaller, like killhouse. but im still happy, ill just have to start playing TDM again.
TRU had a buy one get one $20 off sale today, plus I had a $20 gift card. So I bought Dead Space and CoD:WaW for only $64.

But here's the kicker... at first the guy accidently rang up Dead Space twice which is $100 total instead of $110 (CoD:WaW is still $60), so when I went back to the story to replace Dead Space (I had 2) they replaced it but never charged me an extra $10 for the difference.

Today was a sweet day...
The nazi zombie map is hard as hell...

Me and my friend were playing and the highest level we could get to was 10. We couldn't live long enough to get any of the perks, we always seemed to die right after turning on the power.

It's sweet how they added more random guns, the tommy gun in there kicks ass. Just runs out of ammo too quick...
The map pack comes with a Zombie map? Because that zombie thing is fun as hell. At first I thought it was a gimmick they threw together but the whole buying guns and paying to reload while boarding up windows n **** is cool.
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Yeah, it is actually really fun. Anyone up for a 4 player private match right now?

hey sorry i ignored u last night i was in the middle of a nz game and i didnt wanna fck it up by replying lol. ill be on tonight if ur down for some nz still.
Fo shizzle, dawg. I'll be on most of the day if anyone wants to play Zombies. Just message me or join/invite me to a party.


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