Console with personalities?

sausage dog

WiiChat Member
May 18, 2006
There has been much talk about personalising the characters you play in games, so how about we personalise the console itself and give it a life of its own? The wii could have pre programmed interfaces and voices that greeted you when you turned the console on. It could also inform you of updates and recommend games that might fit in with your playing habbits. Like a pet, I guess.
I like the sound of this!

Lets hope that once the interface has been unveiled, that there are plenty of areas for customisation and addons allowing each owner of the wii to make theirs unique by editing these features.

Would be a very sweet little touch.
Yea it would be like the New super mario bros game where the characters switch the way they move and attack according to the music.
That would be cool but weird. I couldn't imagine turning on my system and then a computerized female voice saying "Start playing with your Wii." I'd be scared :p
MP3 said:
That would be cool but weird. I couldn't imagine turning on my system and then a computerized female voice saying "Start playing with your Wii." I'd be scared :p

lololol well you couldnt have picked a more extreme case!!!!

but yeah, a personalisation feature would be great... a very nice touch... importing themes, wallpapers... oy yeah, this one could have great potential!
That would be awsome but I think it would cost way to much for it to be worth the cool factor mabye someday you will be able to do it for cheap.
I don't see how it could cost that much really. Its not like you would need any extra hardware (then what the Wii already has) to do it. I think it would be worth nintendo putting in the effort to put it in there, provided it is feaseable. It would be brilliant.
dude its not gonna tell you to play with your wii, stop posting that in different conversations!
We all know it will say "wiiners unite, nintendo!"
Thats a great idea I think you should be able to put like your name and when you turn it on its like 'hello ...... enjoy playing'.
This would be like a sci-fi movie or something......anyway it would definetly say for its new motto: Wiiing is BeWiiving
A voice telling you "its getting late you'd better go to bed"
"Stop playing and go study you have an exam next week"
While your asleep it sends sublimenal messages telling you "buy more nintendo stuff, buy more nintend stuff"
There's alot more things like this I'm just to lazy (and i've got to go buy more nintendo stuff, buy more nintendo stuff)
I've heard there'll be a profile system similar to the one used on the 360, if so we should be able to personalise the console with stuff like themes and profiles.

By the way, am I the only one who thinks a console talking to you would be rather annoying and weird?