Corrupt a wish

He does,but shoots you dead & takes the $$$ back to buy themselves ice cream.

The next poster gives me all their wii games (including VC's):yesnod:
You get one for 500$ but then you realize you dont need it because suddenly every NES game ever comes out on the Virtual Console.
they will never make a wish so bwahhahahahahahahha
i wish i had decided against this irony
You decided against the irony but realize you need irony to get the wrinkles out of your shirts! Get it? IRON-y?

I wish that I could beat Jumpin' Jack Flash on Cruisin difficulty on Elite Beat Agents.
you successfuly beat it but get trapped in a time switchy thingy and every time you beat it you get warped back to the beginning
SenorLopez said:
Nothing happens because you didn't make a wish.

I wish I had more monetary funds.

you have more funds now, but you have lost your right testicle :cool:

i wish and pray for the decriminalzation of marijuana
it happens and everybody is happy but you because you have none

i wish i wasnt blind
You where blind? Ok your not...but you need Braces
I wish for a pony:prrr:
Nothing to come up with now....:prrr: :prrr: :drool:
Riviet said:
Wish granted, but a prinny comes along and snatches it from you.

I wish WiiChat had less noobs around.
Less noobs come, but you are no longer on Wiichat, and your computer dies

I wish i was the greatest of all!!!! hehe not much to think of