Could YOUR Wii be made today?

Z Unit

WiiChat Member
Jul 13, 2006
Look, since the Wii's launch is now a matter of weeks away, and not months, it could be possible that very soon, maybe even TODAY....your Wii might be being put together on the assembly line....Just a bit of food for thought. :D
I heard somewhere, in some time or place (may have been a magazine) that 100% complete wii's are already being mass produced. i also heard (possibly in the same mag) that microsoft only spent about 50 days mass producing their launch-day xbox 360s' (obviously more since) and seen as wii's are quicker to make, i wouldnt be surprised if at least a half of them are currently being boxed....

As of when, weeks or months, i must say weeks, at ;least for Japan. Europe... well....
I'm BEGGING for a first week of October release, as my birthday is October 13th, and if doesn't come out before I'm gonna have to decide on saving bday money or going to see Iron Maiden, and that right there, is quite tough.
CaseyCor said:
I'm BEGGING for a first week of October release, as my birthday is October 13th, and if doesn't come out before I'm gonna have to decide on saving bday money or going to see Iron Maiden, and that right there, is quite tough.

dude no way my birthday is october 12th!!!!!
in touch with the wii said:
i just cant wait to spray paint my wii with a ying-yang emblem

You're crazy :wtf:

I tried painting the Tri-Force symbol on my Gamecube years back and it came out TERRIBLE. So if you do end up spray painting make sure you know what you're doing or you're gonna be stuck with one ugly Wii.
HOPEFULLY, there will be skins, i cant stand to see a wii abused =[ i think the 360's marketing scheme, the reason why its only in white, is becuase they want you to waste 20 bucks buying a FACE plate
Sovieto said:
HOPEFULLY, there will be skins, i cant stand to see a wii abused =[ i think the 360's marketing scheme, the reason why its only in white, is becuase they want you to waste 20 bucks buying a FACE plate

I bought a $15 Halo faceplate for my 360, and I didn't think it was a waste of money :p

I'm pretty sure sites such as will have skins for the Wii around it's release time.

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