Debate Thread

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WiiChat Member
Feb 9, 2011
Post or boast on this thread why you think ur favorite is awesome or why its sucks (Thats right I said it, vikings,bears, and lions fans, dont start feeling down because the packers owned u all in the 2010-2011 season).
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Ok...since there isnt enough decent sports fans to try to debate i will list some of my takes and you respond saying if you agree and disagree with it.
1. Packers dominated everyone in the league.
2. I hate the owners of the nfl teams for the lockout.
3. Cubs will not make the playoffs this coming year.
That should start things up.
First of all I'm a Cardinals fan. I think the central devision will be very week so I could see the cubs making the playoffs.
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Im a brewers fan so we both hate the cubs, right? I agree with you but i see the card winning the cental. brewers taking second. Cubs would not get a wild card even if they took second in the central. To many good teams from the west and east.
Right, I see the cubs being good in about two years when all there prospects get to the majors.
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  • #6
Ok, ill give u that, but do u see them reaching the world series and ending their drought?
i think the packers did awsome this year!! now that farve is gone they have a better quarter back. and i am a braves fan i love the atlanta braves:p
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im a brewers fan, but we cant do anything good. Hopefully are new ace, Zach Greinke, will do something. Packers raped everyone. now there's no football. Great....
haha i havent watching baseball much lately ive been workin on my car in my free time:/ but haha i know they were awsome this year :) football is like my passion! i love football last year at my middle school i played left outside line backer and my coach and i were throwin the football and he asked me how i felt about being qb and said good and he was like your first string qb! haha
i know but the bad thing was i had to play olb and qb at the same time:( i also had the worst center ever! almost every time i he snapped it to me and got trucked and sat on me!! but i had one forced fumble on one team they were doing a toss sweep left and i called it shot between one of the line men and hit the hb as soon as he caught it but no one was there to recover and the qb got the ball:cryin:
Go Spurs go, Love the game scheme they have, Best record so far. Some awesome wins, but some ugly losses too, and recently, Expecting the Playoffs, and hoping no ugly "last wins first in the first round" surprises hahaha
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Im not a huge nba fan (Bucks really suck). Im pretty sure that no one fears the deer. But i watch the playoffs, sometimes.
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