didn't see this coming.....

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i accidently hit enter but i fixed it no big deal.
that is going to be quite a disaster for link if this is fully exposed to the public.
I didnt realise that link looked so 'hot' :lol:
Ok. I would have thought some other characters like Dante, Leon, Squall, Seifer possibly something else. Perhaps they like the strong silent type...

Interesting, I wonder what the female equivolent would be? Would it be Zero suit Samus? I think that would make sense...
My Computer Keeps Closing The Window And I Cant Do Anything About It! Can You Post An Attachment Please?
o my god i think im gona puke:wtf: .............................o w8 i just did :drool:
wait......they can accuse a video game character of being gay???....wha....doesnt make sense to me.......i mean how would they know....its not like hes going after some man in the game at least its a girl...well this is odd....i was laughing until i found out that it was a serious thing :p
omg, this has got to be the worst thing ive ever read about link. specially when i noticed that the character on the show "Drawn Together" was based on link, i got so mad.
still puking:drool: .................................................................................
dammit stop being so f#$king homophobic. seriously, u guys r acting like homosexuality is so wrong. to quote seinfeld "not that theres anything wrong with that". ya homophobic bastards

anyway i think of this as more of a compliment. now, im not gay, but still, i think link is cool. besides, he does look at least a bit metrosexual. u guys gotta admit that. also there hasnt been any concrete evidence that he is not gay. i mean, he probably likes zelda, but ya never know.....

anyway, all i am saying is that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. now i am a HUGE mario fan. my friend thought that mario might be gay. now, trust me, if i found this offensive i would hav attacked him in his sleep. but i considered it. anyway he likes peach, so i guess not. but who cares if he is.

anyway in conclusion STOP BEING SO HOMOPHOBIC. its just this generations racism, and just like racism, it sucks.

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