DS on big screen


WiiChat Member
Sep 15, 2007
Wii Online Code
Yo, ok now wut if the DS could be displayed on the tv through the wii. this is just like the GBplayer for the GCN, only better...

instead of the link cable, u culd now connect to the wii wirelessly

the screen wuld be split in 2, top is top screen and bottom is touch screen.

use the wiimote (hold down A and point) to drag on the touch screen like the stylis would on the DS

the nunchuck would be attached and use the control stick instead of the DS pad

the buttons on the wiimote and on the nunchuck will matchthe buttons on the DS

wut do u guys think, if this were to happen, then u culd play ur DS games on the a bigger screen, and also have online picto chat! they did it with the GBA so they should do it for the DS!
I don't think it'd work.

For one, using a stylus and using a wiimote are two completely different things.
The stylus offers excellent support. I couldn't begin to fathom playing a game like Elite Beat Agents with a wiimote!

Also, the buttons would feel too odd.
The placement would be off.

It would need the Classic controller to work buttons right.
But then you lose the wiimote as a stylus.
lol, the DS cant just wirelessly transport its picture to teh television via Wii. youd HAVE to have a cable, and if u had a cab le why not just use the ds as a controller instead of the wiimote. it would work for games taht dont require you to constantly look down at teh touch screen to touch things. like sonic, racing games, etc. etc. but like for advance wars/elite beat, etc it would be pointless.
I agree with SensesFail. Why not use the DS as the controller?
*comes into thread without reading a single post

yeah i saw this vid on youtube where a guy had two touch-screen monitors and hooked it up to the ds, so he was playing the ds on the two screens
Trulen said:
I don't think it'd work.

For one, using a stylus and using a wiimote are two completely different things.
The stylus offers excellent support. I couldn't begin to fathom playing a game like Elite Beat Agents with a wiimote!

Also, the buttons would feel too odd.
The placement would be off.

It would need the Classic controller to work buttons right.
But then you lose the wiimote as a stylus.
I agree. It would definitely feel awkward. But it is still a nice concept, so good job with that. :)

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