E3 2009 predictions


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
Post your predictions here for fun.

I like this prediction posted by audisio__junior on ign.com:

"My prediction. A pretty one actually.

I just can see.

First, half hour about selling records with Reggie.

Than, Iwata will appear and show what new games we might expect. A fast video show lot of games, like MONSTER HUNTER 3, THE CONDUIT, INDIANA JONES AND THE STAFF OF KINGS, OVERLOD: DARK LEGENDS, SILENT HILL, FINAL FANTASY: CRISTAL CHRONICLES, Metroid Prime 1 and 2…..

Than, he starts to say DSi is the best thing ever. He will say that Dragon Quest IX is the most pre-ordered game ever in Japan. More sales ****. Than, we will see someone playing Zelda: Spirit Tracks. EVERYONE WILL START TO GET PISSED ABOUT DSi TALK.

Iwata out, Cammie and Reggie goes in. RED STEEL 2 with motion plus. We will see then playing the game and it’s looking awesome. Everyone wont believe it’s Ubishit. MAN! Outerhaven… Some people, like the IGN fanboys will say… Colonel, IT CAN’t BE.

After that, more video showing upcoming games… Tatic of Magic, Sin and Punishment 2, Resident Evil Chronicles, Dead Space: Extraction, Need for Speed Nitro, Modern Warfare 2 (yes, it will come to the wii), Rabids Go Home, Wii Sports Resort, Guitar Hero 5, DJ HERO.

Now, new games will be shown. Remember last year when Nintendo of Japan showed that space game, Cosmic Walker,…we will see a brief video about it, Beatiful Ocean will show too and that Greek game…(I cant believe why anyone remember that… the best game shown last year.. a 5 second video) where you control a guy with a bow. Matt casamassina will say that this game is the former Kid Icarus.

Finally, a new game reveal, and we will see something like a new F-zero or Star Fox. Knowing Nintendo, Star Fox will come first. Don’t expect a new ZELDA/Mario wii game so soon.

My big hope for E3 is a new game from RETRO Studios. But I don’t believe they will show anything."

My prediction:

I don't see Mario or Zelda anytime soon unless it's a very short teaser because I believe both will have MotionPlus and MotionPlus is not even out yet. Starfox might be next because it doesn't need MotionPlus. I don't think F-Zero will happen yet because of Mario Kart, Wii Sports Jetskii, Excite Truck, and ExciteBots. That's too many racing games within a short period of time.
Loads of the same shite but with a higher number
More one band music games
A new Sonic game that will turn out to be shite
More game spam
Nintendo saying how good this motion plus is then giving us "Mario waggle"
A Nintendo game will be hyped up and turn out to be shite
A game released by EA will get over hyped and turn out to be shite
Don't forget about Pokemon heart Gold and Soul Silver, that will be one of the biggest announcements. There will definitely be more about Wii Motion Plus and more than likely there will be something about a new Kid Icarus game and hopefully a new Starfox game.
Oh yeah, it is around that time again. Honestly couldn't care less about Ninty's press conference, but I'm hoping M$ will unveil the 720 (or at least announce it).

I'm hoping for at least a teaser video for a new Zelda, but not getting hopes up...
Oh yeah, it is around that time again. Honestly couldn't care less about Ninty's press conference, but I'm hoping M$ will unveil the 720 (or at least announce it).

I'm hoping for at least a teaser video for a new Zelda, but not getting hopes up...

They probably won't. Presenting a new console would likely hinder them. They have done pretty well against Sony so far.
I'm interested in wether Namco or Capcom will do anything. I just want to see RPG or Retro Revival news. Like Tales of Graces or more Mega-Man. Won't happen though.

There will be mostly music games and EA's overblown crap. I own a couple of EA games. It's not like I don't like them or anything. I just don't really care. Assassin's Creed 2 might appear and be interesting. Uncharted 2 maybe... Looks less quirky than the original though.

I'm not really tuned in. I really have no idea what is popular now. I WANT to see Vesperia PS3 coming to the US. I WANT to see if Sega's got anything else like Valkyria to show.

E3 is not the place for that though. Roll in the overhyped, big-budget, generic brown colored sludge!
The great Nippon Ichi puting a version of Disgaea 3 for the Wii

Or something other than a port of Phantom Brave
Don't forget about Pokemon heart Gold and Soul Silver, that will be one of the biggest announcements.
They have already been spoken about
Not much of a announcement
"Hardcore" gamers will once again find a reason to cry.

"Why doesnt new Zelda Wii not have crassic controller support? I just sold my Wii for 360 again cas of this"

I remember last year they were crying over Wii MotionPlus and how it wasn't "hardcore".
Now they're all like "Tiger Woods M+ Will PWN!!!!!11111111111"
The great Nippon Ichi puting a version of Disgaea 3 for the Wii

Oh thats just great.

I finally get Tales of Vesperia for the 360 and they decide to freaking redo half of it and add entiely new stuff and put it on the PS3.

Same thing with Eternal Sonata!!

Now I just bought Disgaea 3 and they're making a Wii version. What're they gonna do, add the Disgaea 1 chars on top of the Disgaea 2 chars...

What's next, Valkyria Chronicles for the 360: Now with a even bigger crapload of Selvaria(BOOBS)!

I'm gonna run out of money buying ten versions of the same game, I swear! :nonod:

[end rant]

E3 sucks, period. It's not casual, not hardcore. It's an event for moneybags to show their overhyped crap. I'M NOT INTERESTED IN Resistance 3 or Wii Air Guitar etc. I'm interested in good games! Good games that get missed because of all of this half-done overhyped crap.

[end end rant]

Enjoy, the crapfest.

[end end end rant]

Ummmm... Have a good time I guess.
Oh thats just great.

I finally get Tales of Vesperia for the 360 and they decide to freaking redo half of it and add entiely new stuff and put it on the PS3.

Same thing with Eternal Sonata!!

It's hardly half, Eternal Sonata had one extra side story which lasted a couple of hours? I doubt Vesperia will be much different. Sure you can feel like you missed out or you can just enjoy the game as it is.
Eh-herm. Vesperia gets:
* Full voice acting
* Flynn as a playable character
* Ties-In with "Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike" movie
* New playable character, a pirate girl called Patty Fleur
* New Cutscenes
* New Subplots
* New Costumes
* New Bosses (Including the Sword Dancer)
* New Dungeons
* New Hi Ougi/Mystic Artes
* New Skits
* New Animated Scenes
* New Sidequests
* New Songs
* New Artes
* New Monsters
* Repede as a selectable on screen avatar

I was exagerating a lot with Eternal Sonata, but it just pissed me off even more really. Such minimal tweaks made a re-purchase all that much more frivolous.
My only prediction is that this E3 Conference will be MUCH better than last years (which shouldn't be too difficult).
New starfox is very unlikely, which honestly breaks my heart because I loved the series and I thought SF: Assault was an awesome game (SF: Adventures was a joke, though). SF's head of design stated in an interview that they wouldn't like to make a game on the Wii because "It's become more of a toy than a game console." The guy's a bastard, an Assault-like system with vastly improved controls and online play has insane potential.

E3 will always have a bombshell, even if it's lackluster or expected. Something big will get revealed. Even with the lame E3s we've had so far that happens. Wiispeak. Motion plus. MAG. GoW 3. New footage of games we've only had teasers of/haven't heard of in a long time. It always happens, and you can expect those things to happen for sure.

The lovely thing is that this time, E3 is being buffed and they're bringing back the fans. So what they talk about needs to appeal the core gamer or else tomatoes and pig heads will be tossed onto the stage, this goes for all consoles, not just the Wii.

Don't forget the various E3 booths and meetings of major third party companies where they reveal new projects outside of the big 3's exclusives (Ninty, Micro and Sony).

Now for my Nintendo E3 predictions:
- One of the company's heads walks onto the stage, applause.
- "We've done so much to expand the audience blah blah blah our console prints money blah blah blah look at these graphs our bars are bigger than everyone's else's blah blah blah"
- Pikmin 3 footage. C'mon, they revealed it last E3, they should talk about it this year.
- Possibly a new zelda teaser.
- Gameplay footage of major upcoming titles such as Sin & Punishment 2, Red Steel 2, or No More Heroes 2 (2 2 2 2 2 2 lol).
- Reveal of at least 1 new core title.
- Wii Motion + and Sports Resort are discussed, they talk about what they've added since last E3.
Now for the boring half no one cares about:
- So yeah that's all the stuff we did. Have a nice day.
- Possible, but unlikely with the pattern of the last few E3's: OH WAIT, WE HAVE ONE MORE THING TO SHOW YOU.
*freaking megaton. I'm talking like, epic game in the making that no one saw coming, or epic update to the Wii system.*

Note: If the epic megaton is done for the DSi, I'm selling my Wii. They've been shifting their focus towards it slowly throughout 2008 and this year. If they make it their main thang and just throw a bone at the Wii owners every now and then, I've lost all hope.

E3 sucks, period. It's not casual, not hardcore. It's an event for moneybags to show their overhyped crap. I'M NOT INTERESTED IN Resistance 3 or Wii Air Guitar etc. I'm interested in good games! Good games that get missed because of all of this half-done overhyped crap.
If you're not interested, skim gametrailers and IGN once E3 is done, if you have the patience. Either way, most major titles and projects are announced at E3. Yes, of course half of it is gloating, but the other half is the reveal of new titles.
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To be honest I don't really care, unless Nintendo releases get a truly great game worth my 50 dollars that I can't pass up. Otherwise I couldn't careless about the motion plus or the new mario sports game.

I've played my wii maybe 4 times since december and I'm tired of the **** being released on this console.
Let's not forget about the new Metroid thing from the Space Pirates point of view.

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