Elebits Dev diary opened


Apr 30, 2006
Konami producer Shingo Makaitoge details the development of the game in the first of three developer diaries at the IGN website.

Shingo plans on adding new details and info each month in his diary.

Quite a bit of the entry is used to talk up the Wii's controller. The versatility of the control scheme and the Konami team's imagination which eventually led to the Elebits we see today.

It currently doesnt reveal that much new information but is definitely worth bookmarking for anyone planning on buying the Elebits title.

Source: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/730/730846p1.html
I Think It Looks Fun! You Can Throw A Freakin' House! ANd Do As Much Vandalism As You Want!
ok this prooves the november release date! IT HAS TO! 3 times? 1 time already, that means 1 more in october (since hes doing them monthly) and 1 during launch, on launch, or a bit after launch in november, i know its only a little tip BUT CMON YOU *must not say word* GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD! IT NEVER WAS GONNA BE OCT. 2, AND IT NEVER WILL, I BET MY LIFE ON IT
The game is really and extremely weird, and I don't see why to buying it, but anyway, thanks i0n.
Elebits looks awesome, kind of like an FPS mixed with a classic arcade game. Collecting watts by destroying household items and zapping the little Elebits, so simple but so fun.
Looks like a game that I'd never buy, tough I don't really know that much about it but from what I'we seen I won't even bother finding out.
Kherrek508 said:
Elebits looks awesome, kind of like an FPS mixed with a classic arcade game. Collecting watts by destroying household items and zapping the little Elebits, so simple but so fun.

That's Exactly What I Think About It!:crazy:

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