
Jun 6, 2006
Aberdeen, Scotland.
I haven't taken much interest in any of the 3 nextgen consoles, however the Wii looks tres sexy, I want one.:D Something that occurred to me is that the concept of the wireless controller is to get gamers to exercise while they play. The idea of waving and swinging your arms while the remote is in your hand is FAR more physical than pushing buttons. Does anyone else think this was one of the ideas of Nintendo, or is it just a coincidence?
That isn't THAT much excercise... I don't think swinging your arms around burns too many calories.

Welcome to the forums, by the way.
I think you'd be surprised if you got into it as much as the people on demo videos. No, you don't HAVE to move like that but if you did, it could be a decent cardio workout. Its not going to make you skinny but as Mr. Jimsmit said, its better than just pushing buttons.
Recusant said:
That isn't THAT much excercise... I don't think swinging your arms around burns too many calories.

Welcome to the forums, by the way.

Yeah if you consider that exercise then you probably are morbidly obese. Try playing a sport or something for exercise.
well my sholders f***ed (sohulda taped out) its gona hurt playing a game for a while
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Like I said, it might not be a huge amount of exercise, but it's far more than you'd get pushing buttons. I think whether or not you see it as "exercise" it's going to be fun.^_^
Mr Jimsmit said:
Like I said, it might not be a huge amount of exercise, but it's far more than you'd get pushing buttons. I think whether or not you see it as "exercise" it's going to be fun.^_^

No doubt about that.
golf tennis baseball
all have had games before

as most gamers say "who cares wat the games look like its if its fun that counts"

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