Favorite Game Console


WiiChat Member
Mar 9, 2009
Alright my bad I will rephrase my question.

What is your favorite recent generation game console? Xbox 360, PS3 or Wii?

What is your favorite game console of all time? Any console

and IF Wii is your favorite why do you like it the best?
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Buh ?

I like the Wii?
You ask what our "Favorite Game Console" is then you give use a list that leaves out near enough every other console in existence
Pretty sure he meant most recent generation, but should probably specify. Of the three I'm going to have to say Xbox 360. Love the online, and game selection.
Well I have to say the PS3. It doesn't have as many games to choose from but it has better games overall.
well, I like the 360 graphic and choice wise, but the Wii's gameplay is incredibly fun.

so, forthe new generations, I have two answers.

In terms of the most fun: Wii.
In terms of the most skill: Xbox360.

Howeveer, my all time favorite gaming consoles were the N64 and the Sega Dreamcast. Dreamcast was God for two years.
Pretty sure he meant most recent generation, but should probably specify. Of the three I'm going to have to say Xbox 360. Love the online, and game selection.
Current gen

At the moment

Most recent games are all the same
The only difference is the name

Wii - Promised and didnt deliver
360 - See the above quote
PS3 - See above and add a total lack of decent PS3 only games (disgaea 3 aside)
I'll switch it up ;)

This Gen:

Wii is my favourite followed closely by the 360. Just can't help loving the Nintendo classics..

Before this gen:

Sega Genesis/N64 - first consoles I ever really got into and played frequently.
Urgege...yea, PS2 was amazing....but I still lean towards Dreamcast, or better yet, N64. They had more clasasic games, ps2 just had a huge selection.