Favorite WiiWare


WiiChat Member
Jan 26, 2009
I don't know if there have been more threads about this, but I was wondering which is your favorite WiiWare game or which one would you recommend to get. My favorite of the ones I've played is World of Goo, I was totally addicted to it and enjoyed it lots, actually even more than some not-wiiware titles I've played. Other one that is cool imo is LIT, which has some spooky mood around it.
I love World of Goo as well. Also "Space Invaders: Get Even" is an awesome game. Just be prepared to buy the extra map packs. (500 points each)
I don't have any WiiWare games after buying that Final Fantasy title. Kinda turned me off to WiiWare. But Lit looks interesting and I plan on getting Onslaught for its online multiplayer.
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Haven't played either, but will look forward to it. I've watched some reviews and both look pretty cool

Bodine: Onslaught is a great choice. It's an awesome game, it has good graphics and gameplay. It'll keep you stuck to it if you like FPS.
This is no contest, it's World Of Goo by a mile. The game is better than a lot of retail Wii games and is easily the best Wiiware game so far.

I also enjoyed Art Style: Orbient, the Strong Bad episodes and Onslaught was ok too.
I have both FFCC:MLAAK and Onslaught, and I think Onslaught has the edge because of the online multiplayer. It's definitely not bad for ten bucks.
Bomberman. No contest. Hudson has finally realized that a good Bomberman game needs at least 8 players. This is the best Bomberman game in a decade. It's no Saturn Bomberman but nothing ever will be.
i guess i would have to say Lost Winds or Tetris Party.

I really wish there were a lot more better games on the Wiiware.
Bomberman. No contest. Hudson has finally realized that a good Bomberman game needs at least 8 players. This is the best Bomberman game in a decade. It's no Saturn Bomberman but nothing ever will be.

Does this bomberman have offline multiplayer? If it does, I'm totally getting it!
My favorites so far if i had to choose a top 5 would be

1.Space Invaders Get Even
2.Lost Winds
5.Megaman 9/Tetris Party

Worst ones i've unforunetly bought were
Drop'em Pop'em Same Game (was expecting a Super Collapse clone)

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