First game you played properly


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
One that you played to death the one that you where thinking about all the time the one you wanted to get your score higher you wanted to perfect it and you found all the eggs in it

Mine was Sky kid (arcade)
love to shoot the graves and the eyes poping out
For me it has to be Street Fighter 2.. I remember getting the SNES package with this game the xmas it came out.

I remember playing the demos in the stores leading upto xmas man i've never been so eager to get my hands on a game.

Dread to think how many hours i spent playing that game, perfecting the special moves etc - good times :)
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<<<thinks that will be most peoples answer
i0n said:
For me it has to be Street Fighter 2.. I remember getting the SNES package with this game the xmas it came out.

I remember playing the demos in the stores leading upto xmas man i've never been so eager to get my hands on a game.

Dread to think how many hours i spent playing that game, perfecting the special moves etc - good times :)

That was mine too, I played that game to death and still play it a little. I like Ryu and Sagat the most. I know all of the moves and always pumble friends.
at the level you're talking about, prolly zelda 3:link to the past....i had that game down i could get everything and have it beaten in under 2 hours (its been a while but i think 1hr 17 min was my best) without dying
mine was super mario world i remember i got it for my 2nd birthday and cried cos i didnt have super mario all stars. I completed all of star road the inverted version, all keyholes and all special stages
Probably Mario 64 for me as well, took me so long to get all 120 stars, I never relied on a playguide or any hints.
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we "over er " call it psx before sony made a psx
The first game I ever played was Sonic the Hedgehog, but the first one I really played to death was probably Sonic 3 and Knuckles (where you "locked-on" the two games).
Mine would prolly be Mario Kart 64, i knew everything in that game, i could even do the 8second lap on Wario Stadium and the rainbow road jump everytime. Another would MX2002 Ricky Carmicheal (or some name) I knew how wide to take every turn on every track, no one ever came close to beating me in racing or stunt mode..i owned.

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