For someone that owns neither - Madden 09 or Madden 10?


WiiChat Member
Aug 23, 2009
I bought 08 when I purchased my wii and have played it quite a bit, I don't typically by football games every year so I skipped 09 last year.

Now that 10 is out and getting mediocre reviews at best I'm not sure what to do. Was 09 a solid game, it's a bit cheaper now of course.

I guess with all the crazy business going on up here in the nfc north the only way to get accurate team rosters would be to go with 10. :crazy:

Gameplay-wise, I'd say '09 definitely has the advantage. Although it has some kinks, it's a solid game.

'10 has the cartoon-ish graphics, point to pass offensive gameplay, unlockable "classic modes (Franchise, Create a Player, and Situation Mode), and up-to-date rosters.

If you want a more "hardcore" Madden, get '09. If you want the current rosters with decent graphics, update gameplay, get '10.

You really can't go wrong with either purchase. Have fun. :3
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Gameplay-wise, I'd say '09 definitely has the advantage. Although it has some kinks, it's a solid game.

'10 has the cartoon-ish graphics, point to pass offensive gameplay, unlockable "classic modes (Franchise, Create a Player, and Situation Mode), and up-to-date rosters.

If you want a more "hardcore" Madden, get '09. If you want the current rosters with decent graphics, update gameplay, get '10.

You really can't go wrong with either purchase. Have fun. :3

So for a casual gamer the madden 10 graphics will not distract from the gameplay? I didn't want to buy a game and have it feel like NFL blitz, like the entire thing is a big joke of a game.

I really appreciate the reply!
Nah, the graphics are actually nice on '10. Up close the players look great (I'm using component cables for 480p resolution, by the way). It definitely doesn't distract from the gameplay, as you said. Beware though, it isn't the classic Madden look, so it's not for everybody.
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Nah, the graphics are actually nice on '10. Up close the players look great (I'm using component cables for 480p resolution, by the way). It definitely doesn't distract from the gameplay, as you said. Beware though, it isn't the classic Madden look, so it's not for everybody.

so where are the negative reviews coming from? are they because of the large change in direction madden took?

I was hesitant before but I'll definitely be checking this out soon.
Yeah, mostly because of that. It's like EA is really going for the casual crowd with Madden this year, and instead of adding more "hardcore" features, they added more multiplayer features (which are fun).

Franchise mode is the exact same as last year in '10 on Wii, that makes a lot of people angry (including me).
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Yeah, mostly because of that. It's like EA is really going for the casual crowd with Madden this year, and instead of adding more "hardcore" features, they added more multiplayer features (which are fun).

Franchise mode is the exact same as last year in '10 on Wii, that makes a lot of people angry (including me).

Alright I bought it and only had limited playing tonight.

Initially I wasn't impressed with the graphics, the entire...made for wii are not as smooth as other games have shown possible. But I forget all of that when I start playing and flicking the remote this way or that to throw the ball, block a pass, or whatever else. It's a fun game. I'm definitely going to have to go up in difficulty and I am not entirely sold on the new play layout but I think I'll end up liking it. Also, as has been said, the commentary sort of sucks.

So how does one unlock the unlockables?
In the Extras menu, go to enter codes:

TEAMPLAYER unlocks Franchise Mode.

YOUCALLIT unlocks Situation Mode.

EGOBOOST unlocks Create-A-Player.

Yeah, the commentary does suck. Glad to hear your purchase wasn't all too bad, though. Hope you learn to further enjoy the game as I have. Cheers.
I recomend you: play the '08 version. Madden '09 and '10 saddly are awful games.

This if for you Mr. Moore, I don't buy any other Madden game on the Wii if you and EA Sports don't deliver a game as close the graphics, modes and features of the HD consoles and a new gameplay that take fully advantage of the motion controls like PES (probably using motion+ support); oh but the Wii doesn't has the horsepower to do that, don't get me wrong. You know the Wii is perfectly capable to do so, don't give me stupid ^%$$#@ excuses to try to justify your lack of &^%$# effort and laziest of the development team.
Now, try hard and try to do the best effort for the next Madden on Wii ( I'm sure if you do so, the Wii version of Madden will be the best version over the HD console counterparts). If you want to recover the franchise sucess.

Madden '08 is the most realistic football game on the Wii to date!!
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... Stickmode, please, knock it off.

'09 was way better than '08, and it seems Mr. Phoenix made his purchase already which he enjoys. That's all that matters in the end.
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... Stickmode, please, knock it off.

'09 was way better than '08, and it seems Mr. Phoenix made his purchase already which he enjoys. That's all that matters in the end.

I bought 10 but the more I play it the more I want to go back to 08.

My main problems with it for me is calling audibles on both sides of the line, they seem awkward and rushed. Also I keep on messing up the directional passing for some reason, I thought I understand it but maybe I need to look at it more. Previously it was selecting a player using the D pad and then throwing to them, now it's selecting a player and pointing at them?

Also every time you get into the end zone you pick a dance, and collinsworth responds with "and he put a little extra dance in that one." The commentary is bad but it would be ignorable if the above mentioned other problems where less.

So is 09 more like 08 or 10?

It's an alright game, I think I was just expecting more.
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