Found the first Wii Opera browser bug/problem


WiiChat Member
Dec 4, 2006
So I downloaded and opened up the browser to type a post on this website about my first impressions of the browser when low and behold, my Wii freezes up on me like a blue screen of death.

I was typing up an absurdly long post using the virtual keyboard hitting 42 lines of text max with 33 characters each line when my entire Wii froze up while I was scrolling up and editing some words on the 41st line of text.

The Power button on my Wii remote won't turn it off and I'm afraid to press the reset button just yet (frozen for 10 minutes now).

I'm gonna reset the Wii and probably power it down. Hopefully it doesn't render my Wii into a huge paper weight. Here I go....

edit 1: ...hmm, it wouldn't reset or power off using the switches, guess I need to yank the power cord, this doesn't look good for me...

edit 2: alright, pulling power cord didn't kill my Wii and its working fine now. Time for more Opera tests! :yesnod:
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Wheres the logic in what your saying. The only time a piece of software can kill the hardware is if the software uses Software-Dependent hardware. For example, a BIOS or Firmware update. The only other time is if a virus infects the BIOS or firmware.

How can I web browser kill your Wii? I feel like coming round your houses and knocking your heads together. I do programming for a living and never heard such trash. Opera would be sued left and right center if their software even remotely poked around with the internals. Don't make assumptions out of thin air. Its beta code, and no doubt it will hang your Wii from time to time!
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Whoa, you need to calm down a couple notches there, timthepig.

timthepig said:
The only time a piece of software can kill the hardware is if the software uses Software-Dependent hardware...
How can I web browser kill your Wii?

I didn't mean the Wii hardware got damaged. "Blue screen of death" does not always equal corrupt BIOS/firmware or hardware failure if you actually had enough experience with them.

What did occur was the fact the Wii was unresponsive (aside from it allowing me to eject my disc) and inoperable during the time of the incident.

I'm not about to conjecture whether or not software can physically damage a piece of computer hardware since I don't quite have adequate knowledge in that area. But I can say that software errors/glitches can damage core operating system files, rendering the system dead. At times needing a reformat and a fresh OS install.

Which is why I said "Hopefully it doesn't render my Wii into a huge paper weight". If I can't use it all, then it might as well be a paper weight... then send an RMA to Nintendo to get it fixed/replaced.

timethepig said:
Don't make assumptions out of thin air.
Practice what you preach, buddy.

timthepig said:
I feel like coming round your houses and knocking your heads together.
2nd Amendment, criminal trespass, assault/battery, homeowner's rights and Texas. You might want to keep those words in mind should you ever carelessly turn those feelings into actions.

Aside from all my problems, my Wii is working fine. I may attempt to recreate the glitch at a later date should I ever feel like a worry free beta tester. But for now, I've still got Metal Slug 4 & 5 to go through.
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