Galbadia Hotel (Video Game Music) Website

hey cool site, I was wondering where I could get my hands on some videogame music tracks, now I know. Much appreciated
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I double posted only because I know that not all people read all the forum sections.

- Scythe
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I double posted in "The Lounge" only because I know that not all people read all the forum sections just so ya know.

- Scythe
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Sticky wouldnt put it in the other forum areas though and bumping it...i dunno what you mean by that.

- Scythe
The only music I like from games are the zelda ones but I can download em at limewire so i dont need this
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Mr_Stoukaph said:
you post "bump" on the thread so it moves up to the top of the forum

I wanted it in "Nintendo Wii" so bumping wouldn't do any good for just this place. I wanted more people to see this link because I know that not everyone chats in "The Lounge" as they do in "Nintendo Wii" forum sections, myself included. This was the first time I have read anything in "The Lounge".

The only music I like from games are the zelda ones but I can download em at limewire so i dont need this

Bet you that you don't have this one of Zelda, because its not on Limewire. I've searched. Brothers DX Orchestra/03_hyrule_temple_~_great_bay.mp3

- Scythe
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One soundtrack that I know everyone here would love is the Smash Brothers DX Orchestra by the Japanese Symphony Orchestra. Its amazing.

That page has all the old Nintendo songs, F-Zero, Mario (1,2,3), Mach Rider, Ice Climber.... all in orchestra... Wonderful!

- Scythe
Scyther said:
I wanted it in "Nintendo Wii" so bumping wouldn't do any good for just this place. I wanted more people to see this link because I know that not everyone chats in "The Lounge" as they do in "Nintendo Wii" forum sections, myself included. This was the first time I have read anything in "The Lounge".
- Scythe

bumping it would make it so it would be the the top so people would see the topic even if they werent in the lounge
I think u already posted something like that but im not really sure... plz if u did it dont make double post

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