Game Movies


Aka The_Toilet_of_Doom :P
Aug 30, 2006
Look, the point of this tread is to tell people about the upcoming movies that are games. eg. Halo....

1. Halo the movie:
Coming to cinemas: 2008
Heres some info about it:

2. Silent Hill the movie:
Coming to cinemas: 2006
Heres some info about it:

3. Max Payne:
Coming to cinemas: ???
Heres some info about it:

4. Spy Hunter:
Coming To Cinemas: ???
Heres some info about it:

5. Final Fantasy 8 (I’m not sure but it would be good)

Through out the year there is going to be more game movies. Find and submit any game movies if you want.
Awesome, I personally can't wait for the Halo movie. I just hope they don't screw it up like that Final Fantasy movie -_-
Jakobthelyre said:
hey but what about the guy that posted above me???

what about him? is he you? is he everyone else? no. i care, im really looking forward to a halo movie, they cant screw that up with its awesome sci fi storyline, but they better not add like a lovestory into it
Sovieto said:
im really looking forward to a halo movie, they cant screw that up with its awesome sci fi storyline, but they better not add like a lovestory into it

You'd be surprised how much Hollywood can screw around with a story- check out the Resident Evil series, or one of Uwe Boll's films (on second thoughts, you'd be better off not going to see one of Uwe Boll's films). That said, Halo does lend itself to the big screen, so if they could make it work I'd like to see it.

Not sure where they could add a love story though, except with Cortana (!?) :tard:
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Steak_Styles said:
I heard peter jackson was directing the halo movie, and I saw the silent hill movie, it sucks ps3

No, he's just producing it. I know of some other director who is supposed to direct it, but I can't remember his name. And ah, I liked Silent Hill ;)
I don't usually like game movies, I like well made movie games, like The Godfather. And you're right, stay away from Uwe Boll movies, they poison the mind.
sKin said:
Awesome, I personally can't wait for the Halo movie. I just hope they don't screw it up like that Final Fantasy movie -_-
Didnt u like advents children? I thought it was pretty good, just a bit too short. Yeah Halo looks pretty cool aswel though

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