Gamers to Gamers Effect.


WiiChat Member
May 22, 2006
The Gamers-to-Gamers Effect

This is an effect that I thought up of. It simple states that if you loose one gamer-customer you will lose more. Nintendo is trying to attract the non-gamers. If they go so big into this they will loose the gamers. The gamers that they loose will bring peer-pressure to more gamers. Example, they loose one gamer. This gamer influences his friend, a fellow gamer, they both decide not to go with Nintendo any more. These two go and influence another person and so on so on, and then before you know it. It leads to thousands. How can this be? Well a lot of us communicate online and by doing so they can influence other people. If Nintendo doesn’t try and attract more gamers while they attract the non-gamers, this effect will take into place.

Nintendo needs to crack down on forms of advertisements to get the non-gamers. E3 wasn’t the way to do it since almost every person who goes to or attends E3 is a pure gamer. Saying that they are going for the non-gamers will make the gamers mad and they will eventual lead. This is a marketing endangerment. Plus, how successful they think they can get. The reason people don’t play games is because they don’t want to or they don’t have the time. Attracting some one who just doesn’t want to play games isn’t good idea. The people who want to play games but are afraid are an extreme small proportion compared to the gamers. Sony isn’t any better. They scare the gamers with their expensive stuff. Gamers will now have to fork a good 500+ dollars to now get a console. Some gamers either are too young to get jobs or don’t have one won’t be able to afford this. Parents will have to struggle to buy their child a console. The games won’t be any cheaper either. The Xbox is worse with their big dangerous power bar. It is the size of a package of food. It is also dangerous. I read stories on how it started house fires. This Generation will be improvements technical wise but marketing wise will be a big drop.

What do you guys think?
I think you are seriously mistaken if you think that gamers are going to steer away from the Wii due to it being aimed at non-gamers.

Coming from an older gamer who remembers playing the original NES, the Wii is taking us back to our roots. This console looks fun, and that is something that has not happened in the last 2 generations of game systems. The XBox 360 and Playstation 3 are very pretty machines, but they are nothing more than a rehash of previously released systems with a little more eye candy, and that is not what everyone wants.

The fact that I can't remember the last game to really draw me in yet there are alsready more than half a dozen titles for the Wii that have me excited.

It is hard to convince everybody, but the simple truth is and always will be:


The proof is looking at consoles of old. Games on the NES/SNES looked like crap by todays standards, but they were addicting. I remember playing Kid Icarus for months and months on end. The Zelda games, Mario games, and a thousand other titles. They kept you playing for weeks/months, not like these new games that come out and offer 10 hours of gameplay.

I honestly believe that Nintendo are on the right track here. I believe the reason they are focusing on non gamers, is that the gamers are going to be hooked on the Wii without them trying. :)
Not to mention the advertising by just the name alone: people think Wii is a weird name and they want to talk about it. "Hey, you hear about Nintendo's new system? It's called the Wii!! Bahahaha!" That's only some people's reactions, but when they find out more about the system, like I've found happened to my brothers, they become more interested. I haven't had a chance to ask non-gamers about it, but I think it really has the potential to be higher than the Gamecube. Probably even higher than the Xbox 360 and PS3, but that's just opinion. :)
I don't think you can say "higher than the Xbox 360 and PS3" simply because the Wii is not competing with them. They are competing against each other, and the Wii will compliment either. Nintendo have made the smartest move they could have this round, and that is to break away from a fight they could not have won otherwise.
I have had every Nintendo Console. Being a "gamer" I would have to say Nintendo has me wishing a could play the Wii. Im excited about all the 3rd party support that Nintendo is getting.

Cooldogs said:
Example, they loose one gamer. This gamer influences his friend, a fellow gamer, they both decide not to go with Nintendo any more. These two go and influence another person and so on so on, and then before you know it. It leads to thousands. How can this be? Well a lot of us communicate online and by doing so they can influence other people.

The gamer to gamer effect I dont think will happen, although I do think it is possible. Developers wouldnt investment in something that they would lose money on. Its been a long time since Nintendo's future looked this promising.

Gamers definitely want the Wii. Not that Nintendo has done everything right but they have made people believers ever since E3.
if you get a none gamer you turn him into a gamer and gamers as cooldog said influence people.

i think nintendo is going to reclaim its throne

mainly because ive seen many polls and the wii made me interested in nintendo
it is very true that one gamer influences the next and so on, but right now it is having the opposite effect you described: everyone is talking about the wii and after e3 i'd say at least 75% of gamers will be sold on the system

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