Games for 5-year old


WiiChat Member
Nov 17, 2010
So I bought the Wii for my 5-year old son, and he's gotten to be pretty good at playing the Sports and Resort games. I also got for him Cars and Go Diego (will be a present for him for the upcoming holidays).

Can anyone recommend any other good games for pre-schoolers? Perhaps educational?

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he's gaming level is beginner (only played for about a week, but is quite good at the Cycling, golf, bowling games).

your link did not work....
mario kart is probs the best game for wii for someone that age coz its easy and doesnt take much skill
he's gaming level is beginner (only played for about a week, but is quite good at the Cycling, golf, bowling games).

your link did not work....

This link should work

If not Google "Wii educational games"

Dont know what Geometry wars is doing in there.
Its a mad shooter not a educational game
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that link failed to work too. i know how to google, just curious as to any recommendations of what is good and what is not.

i might get mario kart, but I'm thinking that the cars games takes the same place...
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Wii play looks pretty good. thanks.... I also found the uDraw Tablet, definitely neat for his age...
My 5 year old granddaugter loves Kirby's Epic Yarn, Rayman Raving Rabbids and New Super Mario Bros Wii.

For educational games we have the Pooyoos games and The Hungry Catapiller on WiiWare.

I would recommend:

Mario Kart
New Super Mario Bros.
MySims Racing
Wii Sports
Wii Sports Resort
Wii Play
Wii Music(I think thats the name...)
Some type of game of sesame street, forget its name... but its rated e for early childhood
Wii Party

thats just about all I can think of, but I'll letcha know if I find more.
Our mini humans enjoy things like mario Kart, Wii Sports, the Raving Rabbids series, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Reader Rabbit (good educational game for kids going into 1st grade, but good for surrounding ages too). The various Jump Start games have some educational value.

Some mentioned are just fun (there really is no educational value in the Raving Rabbids games, but BOY are they funny) but the Jump Start and Reader Rabbit are good in that regard.

The Sesame Street games are educational of course, but my kids tired of those pretty fast. Still, they had fun while they were interested, so if you can find them cheap or used they may be worth a shot.

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