What games would you recommend for a 7 year old girl?


WiiChat Member
Oct 14, 2007
I bought the Wii for my soon to be 7 year old daughter for her birthday.

What games do you recommend?
mario part,my sims,carival games, cars the movie,pokemon battel statum where you can use you ds as the controler and up load your pokemons from you ds into the game..donkie kong.dance dance,wario ware.just look for games rated "E" for everone
My sims I'm sure she would enjoy. That game is very child friendly. I would also get WarioWare and Mario Party 8.
NOT Metroid Prime 3 and Resident Evil 4. Umm... you might not have understood the "joke"
My little cousin (who is 9 years old) enjoys Mysims and Boogie. Also look into the new High School Musical karaoke game.
my sims is cool and umm i actually like wii play and im 15 lol...

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