Got my WII!


Wii Fanatic
Nov 22, 2006
Orlando, Florida
So after getting off the phone with the Best Buy Electronics Employee, He left me with the comment "I would really be here at 9" So I get up at 6 head there get there at 8 54 people in line. Guy comes out guess How many wii's we have? 63...I was number 55 got my wii it was a madhouse, but I got a 2yr warrantee from Bestbuy.
Congrats my friend...You are now one of the elite.

PM me if you want to add my Wii number to your list.
do all wii' come with 2 year maufacture warrantee. im worried as it could be a month or two after launch until i can get online (ethernet kit) and would be a bummer to get an error code 2 months after i get my wii.
They dont "Come" with a warantee but best buy offers a two year warantee for 40 bucks. I would have gotten it today but i only brought enough cash with me for the system. Then i went and bought two games when i should have went back and got the warantee.

Also if you buy the system and dont have enough for the warantee you can come back within i think 30 days with your reciept and they will add the warantee on for you.
I believe Nintendo gives you a one year waranty for free. If you register your Wii online at, you get an extra 3 months.