Hacking your Mii?


WiiChat Member
Feb 18, 2009
Not sure where to post this so I hope this is the right place.

Is there anyway you can change your Mii's pants to gold or any other colour for that matter? I know there was a programme that could do it but it was closed down by Nintendo.

So any help appreciated people.
Not sure where to post this so I hope this is the right place.

Is there anyway you can change your Mii's pants to gold or any other colour for that matter? I know there was a programme that could do it but it was closed down by Nintendo.

So any help appreciated people.

there was no program to change it, nintendo didnt (couldnt) shut it down, and no, no way to change pants except for changing colour setting s on the tv
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there was no program to change it, nintendo didnt (couldnt) shut it down, and no, no way to change pants except for changing colour setting s on the tv

Yes there was, it was on a website called miieditor but now it's changed and I remembered reading it saying Nintendo stopped him as techniqually it was piracy.

But thanks anyway.
When You Hack This Comes To Your Door

The only way your mii can have gold pants is if it's sent to you by a Nintendo employee. It's very rare for that to happen though...

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