Help please? Wiimote SLOW to respond with new TV.


WiiChat Member
Jun 21, 2007
Wii Online Code
My Wii and remotes were working fabulously up until I got a new TV yesterday.
I switched from a ghetto 20" CRT TV to a 32" LG HDTV and my Wiimote is responding slowly to the point where I can't even play Guitar Hero because everything is being pressed too late. Has anyone had this problem and/or know anything to try to fix it? I'd appreciate it, thanks. I got this TV pretty much specifically for gaming and it won't work D: D: D:

- I did switch TV settings from standard to widescreen
- I don't have the HDTV component cables hooked up to my cable box yet so I'm operating in regular standard definition thingy.

Please helpppp?
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gnahc79 said:
Have you already tried the HDTV calibration option in the GHIII menu option?
Hi, thanks for responding.
I just used GH3 to illustrate the extent of the problem. It's actually occuring with every game, even virtual console ones. So I don't know what's up :\
Re synced and calibrated wiimotes?

Your best option is to new sync wiimotes and fish through wii options for anything that could be making this happen. I'll try going on a 'net mission to find something for you.
What kind of LG display and model# (plasma, LCD, etc)? It seems like it's the display, you can search the definitive A/V board, for an answer. Perhaps there's some adjustments you can make on the display.

some info:

- Use the GHIII calibration to see approx how much lag there is for your display.

The component cables and running at 480p may resolve your lag issue. Btw, my Panasonic plasma (42" 9uk) works fine for me.
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Thanks everyone who has responded =)
I reconnected the Wii remote hoping that'd help but it didn't.
I also did the calibrate thing on GH3 just now, and I'm not sure what to do after it tells me the miliseconds. Can I fix it? Or is it just informing me how laggy it is. I got 105 miliseconds. That sounds...bad.
For GHIII the calibration is supposed to fix the lag, but I've never tried it (just did it now and get 0ms lag). 105ms is really bad, so bad you may want to do the calibration again to double check :).
Btw what's the display type and model#? You can probably just enter the model# in the avsforum search to see if anyone else is running into the same problem.
My bet is that its the AV Cables. My friend says that they arent "strong" enough to reproduce an instant button to action rate on HDTVs. Switch those with some components, switch to 480p and it should be fine.
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D1nner said:
My bet is that its the AV Cables. My friend says that they arent "strong" enough to reproduce an instant button to action rate on HDTVs. Switch those with some components, switch to 480p and it should be fine.
Brilliant, thank you.
Next question would do I use the Wii with component cables? I have the cables and everything already...just...yeah.
Sorry for being such a n00b about hooking up things.
the RGB plugs go into the back of the TV somewhere (it will be obvious where) the red and white audio leads need to be plugged into an amp or similar. chances are you'll need to buy extensions (no, not for your hair)
Next question would do I use the Wii with component cables? I have the cables and everything already...just...yeah

There should be an output on the back of the TV which looks like the usual Red White and Yellow stuff except now its Red Blue and Green with an additional Red and Yellow next to it. Connect the component cable colours to their corresponding colour
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D1nner said:
There should be an output on the back of the TV which looks like the usual Red White and Yellow stuff except now its Red Blue and Green with an additional Red and Yellow next to it. Connect the component cable colours to their corresponding colour
Okay I got that much, but the other end of the red blue and green cables go where? Like how do I connect them to the Wii?
D1nner said:
My bet is that its the AV Cables. My friend says that they arent "strong" enough to reproduce an instant button to action rate on HDTVs. Switch those with some components, switch to 480p and it should be fine.

I've never heard of anything like this - latency through a video output port because of the cables? Some kind of phantom video resistance?

If I were debugging the problem, I'd work from the source of the problem (the remotes) backwards. Low signal power on a BT device can cause latency - this would result from: 1) low power (have you swapped in some fresh batteries? Tried regular vs. rechargables if you have the latter) 2) poor point-to-point signal (probably not an issue since you're LOS/in the same room).

I mean it can't hurt to swap in component cables since they're better: Wii end to the Wii just like the composite cable which it replaces (which may have been your question). Your component will supply both the video (YPbPr) and the audio (2-channel to the white and red).

Then on the TV side you need to identify a component input (should be labeled or documented in your manual). It will have a Red, Green and Blue RCA style jacks (likely marked Y Pb Pr that look just like the Yellow since RCA jack your composite hookup used). Just match the colors, tune the set to the proper input (again, to match the label of the input). Then as the previous poster indicated, set the Wii to 480p from 480i (which should be an option once it detects the component cable).
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