hey new to wii online need friends to play with?


WiiChat Member
Apr 18, 2009
I know i sound like a little kid i dont have any friends but i dont i need friend codes and games that i should get that is good to play online.
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what games do you have? and my code is 3489-3993-8483-4022
I know i sound like a little kid i dont have any friends but i dont i need friend codes and games that i should get that is good to play online.
I'm new too. Can you recomend a good beginner online game. code is 2389-0928-8611-2005
my codes in my signature pm me when you add me and send me yourcode cus ill forget to look here if you dont lol
I don't really have any games yet, other than what came with it (pathetic I know lol). I plan to pick up MarioKart in the next day or 2.

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