Hey Nintendo Fans

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WiiChat Member
Aug 2, 2006
What's up all you nintendo/gaming fanatics. I was an old school nintendo gamer way back in the day. Then I grew to love microsoft's xbox. I even aquired a xbox 360 and I love it. No offense, but I thought the gamecube was a waste of hardware. This is my opinion so don't start telling me off. I think my little bro goes to this forum aswell. He uses the user name KraZy a lot. As a matter of fact he is the exact opposite; very timid and he never did anything that was mildly crazy. Anyway, he'll probably get mad at me for posting that, but I really don't care. He's very feeble and I can beat him up with my hands tied behind my back. I also forgot to mention that my username is Fast Ed, not fasted because everybody knows me as fast eddie. Eddie is my name but fast eddie has more of a deeper meaning behind it. Why am I on this site you ask? 1)To annoy my little bro;2)Because I may consider getting a wii. Get used to me because you're stuck with me.
welcome. you could have used Fast_Ed as a user name. dont flame here or disrespect others and youll be cool.
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Mr_Stoukaph said:
welcome. you could have used Fast_Ed as a user name. dont flame here or disrespect others and youll be cool.
I could have but the name is pronounced fasted. Just think of it as one word because you have to say it fast. Get it?
good or ill send him a FAPING
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KraZy said:
You sob. What are you doing here! Why don't you get a job!. You cant mouch off mom forever.
Chill. Don't make a big deal about this ok. I'm just here to learn bout the wii and see if its worth while to purchase. Also I just got out of school and you want me away already? That's mean 2 say about your own brother. get used 2 it.
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