Hi, I'm new to Wiichat


Aug 12, 2007
Hi everyone,

have every nintendo since the NES (only one I don't have is the DS)

still hook different ones up occasionally and play 'just for fun'
welcome dude :)

i had every console too, but not anymore. idk what happened to them really.

please read the rules and follow them please :)

see you around :thumbsup:
Hey welcome to the forum Jeff :) Hope you enjoy your stay here at Wii Chat. Oh and if you have any questions regarding the site feel free to ask.
Hey Jeff, welcome to Wiichat. After getting the Wii, all my other Nintendo systems got sold to make room for the consolidating Wii. Check out the Virtual Console, unless you're a collector of consoles you may wanna consider this...it sure does make things nicer!

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