

WiiChat Member
Dec 2, 2007
Hi everyone, I thought I would let everyone know a little about me. I have been gaming since the Atari 2600. I have every Nintendo console out and still play them all form the original NES to the Wii. I alson have a X-box, X-box 360, and computer games. I originally bought the Wii for the kids, but when I saw Mario Galaxy I was hooked too. Thanks for reading and I look forward to sharing on this forum.
hi welcome i hope you stay on the forums for a while and contirbute to teh forums!

if you need anything just P.M me!
Hey welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy your stay here at WiiChat.
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Thank you

Thank you for the welcome. I have been browsing the forum and have found allot of good information in a short amount of time.

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