How come no new Donkey Kong games?


WiiChat Member
Mar 2, 2009
Hey i was wondering why hasnt there been any new donkey kong games like the old snes for the wii? I still love those games and wish a DK one for the wii would come out.
no idea, but i'm totally on board with you. those games were so much fun, especially when you could tag team with diddy kong (and later with that chick, but i forget her name). oh well, guess we'll just have to wait and see :rolleyes:
I could be wrong, but didn't the company that made the SNES Donkey Kong games went on to work exclusively with Microsoft? If that was the case, then there might be a few legal issues that prevents that type of game being released now.
I could be wrong, but didn't the company that made the SNES Donkey Kong games went on to work exclusively with Microsoft? If that was the case, then there might be a few legal issues that prevents that type of game being released now.
Nintendo owns full rights to the Donkey Kong Country games. Rare got smart when working on Donkey Kong 64 though.

No, nothing's keeping them from making such a game. They just haven't done it. Same with Starfox.

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