How do you plug it in?

How you set up the Virtual Console...? You realise it's part of the Wii itself right :) its built in, it will connect to the net the same way the Wii will, through the WiFi to your wireless router or through cable to your router/wall. That's why it's called "Virtual" console, perhaps you need to set it up, register or something like that for the credit to buy games but that'd be it.
im sure that was no where close to what he meant...plugging it in just for VC...i think he meant ONLINE in general, haku they will come out with stuff so it feeds off your comp's dsl or whatever and sends wireless waves to the wii like what they have for the DS, or maybe you will be able to use the DS One
dosent matter, its a USB thing, it feeds off the internet that you computer is receving and sends it out in waves
You Plug It In To The CPU By USB I Bet... That'd Be The Simplest Thging To Do...
do you plug in the wii with the three cables for the back of the tv?? (red, white, yellow) and then plug it in on your wall??
ZeLdA4LiFe said:
do you plug in the wii with the three cables for the back of the tv?? (red, white, yellow) and then plug it in on your wall??
I plug my consoles in with the one wire that goes in the back of the TV.. but they usually make the cable your talking about.. and my one.

And to what we//need//wii said, i think either will be fine:) but dont quote me on it :p
Ok, the Wii will be wireless (as in blu-tooth communication with wireless routers). For those whom have a wired router (or no router at all), there is a couple of USB ports in the back of the console. The Wii should be bundled with (or maybe sold seperately) a USB > Ethernet network adaptor. In other words, you can wire the USB bit up to the back of the Wii, and the network bit up to the router/back of your PC, thus providing virtual everyone with internet access of some sort.

ZeLdA4LiFe said:
do you plug in the wii with the three cables for the back of the tv?? (red, white, yellow) and then plug it in on your wall??
What you're refering to is the video output. That usually comes with a scart adaptor, and you plug it into your TV (some TV's have the seperate adaptors on the front/back that you plug the correlating colours into i.e. red goes in red, white goes in white etc...). The Wii will also have other video outputs, including one that will allow you to plug it into a PC monitor without the need of a TV card.
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Lord Haku said:
So you have to plug it into the computer to get online?
Only if you don't have a router or wireless area network. If you have a router, you should be able to plug it straight into that. If you have a wireless network, should automatically connect to it.

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