How geek are you?

smyth said:
hahaha no biggie.
i'm just going to go edit my post though, so if anyone asks about this i can claim that you edited the quote.:lol:

Now I'm as editatious (Yes, I just made a new word.) as 'the time traveller'

Damn you Wells and your lack of naming D=
Cpt.McCloud said:
Now I'm as editatious (Yes, I just made a new word.) as 'the time traveller'

Damn you Wells and your lack of naming D=

sremick said:
I got 82%. Would've been higher but I have legible handwriting, sorry (comes from years of having numerous pen-pals that I'd switch to corresponding with using hand-written multi-page letters after first establishing contact on Fidonet.)

And just for having used Fidonet (let alone knowing what it is), I should get another +10%, in my opinion. For running my own Fidonet BBS for a few years, another +10%. So I get 102%. Go me. :D

When I said a couple of folks I thought would do well, you were in that group :D

I still have a functional - AFAIK - USR HST 16.8 that I scored through the SysOp program back in, well, way back when. I did have some way older stuff, but I gave it to a buddy of mine years ago who collection computer "antiques".

Yeah, good ol' dialup BBS days - Major BBS, QBBS, etc., fun stuff :lol:
Soo, DT. Post your score?
Be proud!
Being 55% nerd and being 13...not a good mix.
I got 90% the first time, but thought the app hung up, so I ran through it two more times and got back to back 88%.

I have no idea how it's weighted. Maybe the Star Wars, Firefly and Trek questions counted more? All those had right answers vs. some of the others that were rated based on your response (like # of books).

This is one is fun, it's uses sounds/samples (so turn up your speakers):

Some ol' school stuff in there as well.
Just did that one DT =]

Your Score : 42 credits
You're an average sci-fi geek. You must own several action figures.
surfinrach90 said:
Just did that one DT =]

Your Score : 42 credits
You're an average sci-fi geek. You must own several action figures.

Hahaha, I'm apparently sitting around in a Tron costume. :lol:
that one about firefly is very geek related, only someone would really know the answer to that, especially seeing as how the pilot tv show was miles better than the film, but so under rated.