How many blue shells have you dodged?

It seems there are more hackers every time I get on. What is fun about winning every time by cheating?
Blue Shells are a sore spot for me (I mean come on! 2 Blue Shells AND Lightning on the last quarter of the last lap?)

This isn't to say blue shells are by any means easy to avoid. But it is a hell of a lot easier in MK Wii than it was in Double Dash.

I can only remembering escaping 3 or 4 Double Dash blue shells.

I kind of miss the old school N64 blue shell that hits everyone on the way.
I've only dodged one and it was by accident. I've tried to do it again, but all I can remember is letting go of the boost right when the last shell comes down after it's final float up. Remembering and doing are two different things lol!