I Need An Intro


WiiChat Member
Jan 19, 2011
Wii Online Code
I will be recording walkthroughs of video games on YouTube shortly. I need a cool intro, though. If anyone can make me a cool intro video, let me know and I will get the info to you. Thank you.
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It's like when you watch a movie and you see the studios that helped make the movie. For example, Legendary Pictures, Lionsgate, or Original Films. 10 seconds probably.
10 seconds probably.

I'm no youtuber, but a few years back I spent waaay too much time there, and from experience, I'd say 10 second intros are the way to go. Any longer, and you can begin to push your luck.

And a catchy tune, man. Always helps with an intro, as I'm sure ya know. Just watch out for copyrighted junk.
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Thanks for the ideas and the input, guys. Can either of you make one for me? Will anyone? Please? :)
Thanks for the ideas and the input, guys. Can either of you make one for me? Will anyone? Please? :)

If I had any sort of talent in graphics or any sort of art, I would. But I don't. :lol: I really have no place throwing any sort of post in the graphics forum, so I best gtfo, lol. Best of luck finding someone to make you an intro.
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Thank you. I would do if I had the tools but I don't at the moment.
I'm no youtuber, but a few years back I spent waaay too much time there, and from experience, I'd say 10 second intros are the way to go. Any longer, and you can begin to push your luck.

And a catchy tune, man. Always helps with an intro, as I'm sure ya know. Just watch out for copyrighted junk.
Id avoid a catchy tune as they start to get annoying.
The ones I make are short and get the job done.

Like my current Atari Jaguar one
It was easy to make and gives the Jag fans a kick as I am kinda a fan
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I know what I'm doing and I know what I want for the intro. I just need someone to make it for me. If no one can, don't worry about it.
Id avoid a catchy tune as they start to get annoying.

Unless it's just that good. A good piece of music never gets old unless it's got somethin' wrong with it, or you listen to it literally hundreds of time.

I sure as hell got sick of Evanescence for that reason, ugh. The radio never stops playing their ****in' music. =/

/Didn't gtfo as he said he would.

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