Is anyone buying more than 1 Wii?


WiiChat Member
Oct 10, 2006
I was wondering if anyone on this forum is planning on buying more than one Wii to sell on ebay or

I think it is unfair for people yo reserve items just to sell them for more on ebay. It seems like a lot of people do that with Video Game systems and Concert Tickets.

Anyone here that ruthless?
no, i wouldnt buy to sell

i would buy 2 thou, one as a main machine and another for a second player to use (full screen)

or another to act as a server
I'm buying two.

One for me, one for my girlfriend.

Seriously, with Zelda, someone would get hurt if we had to take turns.
Cthulhu_Fhtagn said:
I'm buying two.

One for me, one for my girlfriend.

Seriously, with Zelda, someone would get hurt if we had to take turns.

welcome to wiichat, i like your name, is that gaelic?

BTW, somebody could buy 2 wii's so i can get one...........oh come on! :smilewinkgrin:
If you really want to make a killing, camp out in line with a few friends(especially ones who are broke and can't afford a Wii at launch) and have them sell their places in line.

A decent place in line at the XBox 360 launch would go for around $300 and I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same at the Wii launch.
teqguy said:
If you really want to make a killing, camp out in line with a few friends(especially ones who are broke and can't afford a Wii at launch) and have them sell their places in line.

A decent place in line at the XBox 360 launch would go for around $300 and I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same at the Wii launch.

Are you serious? I'm am SO doing that!
The Wii will be in pretty high supply. 1 Million for U.S. while as the 360 came out with 300,000 units on launch. Thats why we had those huge lines and ebay ripoffs for the desperate.

Seeing as the PS3 is only shooting for 400,000 I can imagine its going to be the same kind of hell on launch day. If not worse.

While whoever wants a Wii, will probably get it, if not on launch day, then very soon after.
Aivan said:
The Wii will be in pretty high supply. 1 Million for U.S. while as the 360 came out with 300,000 units on launch. Thats why we had those huge lines and ebay ripoffs for the desperate.

Seeing as the PS3 is only shooting for 400,000 I can imagine its going to be the same kind of hell on launch day. If not worse.

While whoever wants a Wii, will probably get it, if not on launch day, then very soon after.
Some guy on a PS3 forum sold his spot in line for 1000 $ O_O that woman was crazy to afford that!
GreyKirby said:
Some guy on a PS3 forum sold his spot in line for 1000 $ O_O that woman was crazy to afford that!

you should have seen how much those ps3 preorders were on ebay and (not sure if this is true or not) but so guy was trying to sell it for a million from what i've heard. Thats screwed up if its true.
GreyKirby said:
Some guy on a PS3 forum sold his spot in line for 1000 $ O_O that woman was crazy to afford that!
Thats insane!

The PS3 hasn't even hit retail yet, so the women was pretty much paying for a spot in line that hasn't even formed yet.

Well, thats how I am assuming the deal went.
Aivan said:
Thats insane!

The PS3 hasn't even hit retail yet, so the women was pretty much paying for a spot in line that hasn't even formed yet.

Well, thats how I am assuming the deal went.

no he means the spot in line for pre-orders on the internet not outside a store
I have two Wii's. One for myself, and one for my brother for X-mas. I will however be trying to hoard the PS3's. And if someone wants to offer me $$$ to take my spot in line, I might just do that. Otherwise, it's going up on Ebay.

I already have a PS3 reserved. Was 1st in line at GS.

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