Is anyone else worried?


WiiChat Member
Sep 14, 2006
Is anyone else worried that there are no big planets on this game? It all looks cool from what I've seen, but I don't think it will be the best Mario game ever unless it has gigantic planets, such as lava planets, desert planets, water planets, etc. like the worlds in the other Mario games. It definitely needs these, but from all I've seen so far, there are no indications of large planets. Just a bunch of little tiny ones.
strutter84 said:
Is anyone else worried that there are no big planets on this game? It all looks cool from what I've seen, but I don't think it will be the best Mario game ever unless it has gigantic planets, such as lava planets, desert planets, water planets, etc. like the worlds in the other Mario games. It definitely needs these, but from all I've seen so far, there are no indications of large planets. Just a bunch of little tiny ones.
I personally think the whole game looks abit samey throughout. I know Nintendo dont like reusing the same ideas but the flat lands of 64 were classic.
The game is a while off yet (not a luanch title) so hopefully Nintendo will be adding a bit of variety to each gaming level.

Hopefully over the course of the next few days, new demo footage and info will emerge amoungst all the other press releases.
I personally reckon those little planets you see are either ones while traveling between big ones, or like on Mario sunshine, in every level there was a secret mission where dark mario would steal your FLUDD and you would have to jump over those blocks. Looks to me something like that. They would no way make the mistake of not including some sort of large free roaming area.
if u look at the newest wii games video, u will after a while se a big lava planet wich mario is flying over! And i really don't think there will only be small planets ... that would be sick
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I'm not sure what to think at this point. So far the vids I've seen aren't THAT great. It looks very nice to play, and seemingly the controller is responsive, but eh. I dunno. It all looks a bit too gimmicky. I was hoping Ninty would go back to their routes for this, and maybe produce something much more like Mario 64.

I'm sure it will be a good game, but after Super Mario Sunshine was less than amazing, Ninty have a lot to prove with this game. Hopefully my first worries aren't needed and everything will be revealed closer to launch. (March 2007ish? My guess anywho)
Instead of a few huge planets, lots of small planets would be just as good, in all the videos, it shows that it just takes seconds to travel from planet to planet, and there could be 10 planets all in the same theme acting as one massive on.
I share your concern, it seems like a collection of small planets, and doesn't look that amazing. TBH i wasn't a fan of sunshine, but 64 rocked.
What's the need for huge free-roaming planets anyway. After all, its a platformer not an RPG or adventure game.
Yeah, I sort of hope it won't all be on the small, rotating planet-type things. Less space to do stuff on.

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