is pokemon worth getting?


Apr 6, 2009
Wii Online Code
i got to say i dont know much about pokemon
when i was younger i had the GBC games,
gold, silver and cyrstal (i think those were the names)
and i used to love em...
but that were some years ago,
and one of my strange friends is trying to get me to buy a new one of the pokemon games, because its apparently awesome.

anyone have anything to say about it?
oh and it seems like the kind of thing for kids
but some people say its not.
is it that kind of thing to play? ... :p
its definitly worth getting(to me) i havent got one yet because my ds broke but im getting it with my dsi.
Pokemon games are mainly for the handheld crowd. The console versions on the other hand are very lackluster and pretty dull compared to the brothers on the handheld.

If you're going to get a Pokemon game, stick with their handheld versions.

If for the DS,then yes (though i never cared or the poor story lines). If for the Wii, then no. not a complete game, and like more of an Add-on for the portable version.
It would be best to ask DS related questions in the DS section

They haven't changed much since the old ones (same idea)
If you liked the older ones there worth getting but there more of the same
Prinny, have you even played the new ones... ?

Aaaanyhow. If you liked the old games, there's not really any reason why you wouldn't like the new ones. The concept hasn't changed really. Catch your favorite pokemon, train them up, and take on eight gym leaders, then after that, take on the elite four.

There's a lot more detail in the new games, though. The graphics are pretty sharp for a 2D scroller, and the soundtrack is very fitting for the game. The attack and pokemon animations (yes, pokemon now come into battle with animations) look much better than before too.

Not to mention there's 493 pokemon species now; you'll be logging a lot of gaming hours if you want to capture all of them. :lol: There's quite a few more features too, like battling and trading with friends on wi-fi, the wi-fi plaza where you can go to play minigames with friends or random people, the battle frontier, pokemon super contests, etc. etc.

Basically, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl (and especially the new Platinum) is choked full of things to do. I personally love Platinum, definatly my most used DS game. I highly recommend the games, they shouldn't disappoint. Also, you should really wait for Pokemon Platinum to come out, it's much better than Diamond and Pearl.
Prinny, have you even played the new ones... ?
With out the fan boy eyes heres what they are

Blue/ red
Get creatures
Train creatures
Fight creatures

Gold/ Silver
Get creatures
Train creatures
Fight creatures

The new ones
Get creatures
Train creatures
Fight creatures

There about as different as Street fighter 2 and Street fighter 4
Play the new games, and then give your opinion, Prinny. ;D
I gave it

There the same idea as they have always been

You cant say that there are game changing ideas as the core game remains the same

I would play them
But the combat bores me
I choose you...

did i miss the great Pokey Debates? I really wish Nintendo would take a chance and release a full game on the bigger system (referring to the Wii), instead of constant potable versions with the console as an after thought. same thing happened on the cube and N64. dream on kiddo....
I thought the earlier versions of the games were better. I tried to get into the new one but it really never picked up with me. For me, I didn't think it was worth it. I sold my copy of Pearl.
Yeah, I sold Diamond a month after I bought it. However, since I got my DSi I'm on a DS game spree, and I think I'm going to buy Pokemon Platinum tomorrow just because I've been playing the hell out of FireRed version lately.
did i miss the great Pokey Debates? I really wish Nintendo would take a chance and release a full game on the bigger system (referring to the Wii), instead of constant potable versions with the console as an after thought. same thing happened on the cube and N64. dream on kiddo....

Well, there was Colosseum and XD, but I personally thought the console pokemon games were crap; unless they were like the Stadium Games (like Battle Revolution for the Wii).

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