Is Skate It worth It?

my sons like it. i've tried it with the balance board. it's not bad, i've never been into skating games though. i like it better than the old tony hawks and all that crap back in the psx days.....
Never played the wii version, but Skate and Skate 2 are great games. If it's anything like those two, then yes, it's worth it.
If your buying Skate or Skate 2.
Its worth every penny
I dont kno about Skate It tho.....
Yeah, Skate It is a great game. The type of controls that it offers is very cool and different; it is easy to get used to it, the way to flip and else is quite intuitive and feels pretty much like real skating than pressing buttons. It can be unprecise at some points and can't even bother you to not make the tricks you want, but it's not that bad cus it works most of the time if you get the hang of it.

Overall I have enjoyed playing it, but have to say that it isn't the game that I've got stuck to the most. The game has good graphics (some of the best that you can find in Wii imo), more if you compare it to Tony Hawk's Proving Ground. But if you've played any THPS game you'll find something totally different here. It is a bunch more realistic in the way that in THPS you can grind from a bench to an electric cable, to a rooftop making sick flips, special tricks and else. This one is more like if you were actually on a real board. You even don't have a grind button but just calculate to land in a rail. It doens't stop you from doing sick combos though. The physics are very well done.

It also has this hall of meat thing that adds fun to the game, cus you also can try to get your bones broken in order to accomplish some goals. You can even break all of your bones in some levels :p

The cons I can find is that it feels I don't know, kinda stiff or something, cus you have to go from one level to another just acomplishing a couple of missions in each until you unlock more missions later for those levels. It has a good variation of levels though; but it doesn't have a lot of you going trough the world making tricks racking up score and getting big combos; you can do it if you want (cus there are kind of secondary goals) but it's not part of the main goal.

Another thing I can find is that playing 2 player mode isn't as fun as THPS cus you play by turns and not at the same time so it pulls the multiplayer off a bit, but its still good.

Haven't tried it with the Wii balance board so can't inform you in that, but guess it can be even better than with the controller.

Hope to give you a general idea about it :)
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got it but gamestop effed up and gave me a copy with scratches all over returning it tomorrow
Weren't you able to play it? so bad. Please tell us your impressions later when you get your new copy. I've been playing it more lately and the more I play it the more I like it. Really good game.
i once got a used controller from gamestop and rushed home to realize the whole side of the controller was cracked open...... :(
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i once got a used controller from gamestop and rushed home to realize the whole side of the controller was cracked open...... :(
also i exchanged it for a nother copy and i think its great stayed up until 4 o clock AM playing skate it.Although it looks good on a tv but HORRIBLE on a HD tv
i know im dragging up an old thread but i just got a balance board and was wondering if this game has online multiplayer or just local.
Dream on,
No one making wii titles would go through that much trouble to make a game sell....
Dream on,
No one making wii titles would go through that much trouble to make a game sell....

you mean like the GH/Rockband titles, the EA Sports titles etc. yeh, those games would rock if they had online multiplayer

Dream on,
No one making wii titles would go through that much trouble to make a game sell....

you mean like the GH/Rockband titles, the EA Sports titles etc. yeh, those games would rock if they had online multiplayer


well, GH/RB are two corny games I would never be considered a fan of(maybe if they made reggae band, but I'm sure they'd pick corny songs so probably not)
But yeah online multiplayer would make them(as well as most titles) worth playing.
Ofcourse, this isn't the case tho is it?
Dream on,
No one making wii titles would go through that much trouble to make a game sell....

you mean like the GH/Rockband titles, the EA Sports titles etc. yeh, those games would rock if they had online multiplayer


well, GH/RB are two corny games I would never be considered a fan of(maybe if they made reggae band, but I'm sure they'd pick corny songs so probably not)
But yeah online multiplayer would make them(as well as most titles) worth playing.
Ofcourse, this isn't the case tho is it?

hahahah, you obviously didnt pick up on the sarcasm, all the games i mentioned have online multiplayer functionality, as to a lot of other wii games (non nintendo)

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