Shaun White Snowboarding VS Skate It


WiiChat Member
Dec 28, 2007
This is the hardest decision that I ever made for two video games in my life. I decided that I wanted a sports game for the wii. Then I found Shaun White Snowboarding. It got really good reviews and it looks very fun. I've played Skate for the PS3 before and I liked it a lot. I only played about 3 different challenges and they were very fun. I'm wondering which one I should get and which one will have more replay value. I'm also wondering if Skate is any different than Skate It. Is it a different game or is it the same game. Also which game has better multiplayer. Also what is the longer game?
i enjoy shaun white, but ive never played sakte(it). so i cant compare.
Having played both a will say that that Shaun white would be better with friends as skate it is alone, but hall of meat mode in skate it is great so I would say skate it.
If Skate it is anything like Skate 2 for 360, then I'd go with it.
In Skate games, you can free roam the city and pretty much do whatever you want. The career is just something to do while you're having fun exploring and creating new lines and finding new ways to bail.
I have both, and like both. If I had to pick one, it would probably be Shaun White's snowboarding game. I find the balance board easier to control, and I like the snowboarding concept more.