Is the Zelda guide out or not?


WiiChat Member
Nov 20, 2006
Is the Zelda guide out or not? None of my local stores had it when they opened on Sunday.

Yea it is, I got mine when i picked up my Wii/TP. I'd say get a double deal and get a year of Nintendo Power for 5 dollars more and get the guide with it.

I wish i had done that.
the best buy where i got mine at didnt have any. they had a coupon for a free guide with the purchase of the game, but they said they didnt have it. i might go back and see if i can get the manager to give it up later on, concidering it wasnt available on release date.
At my job, ironically we got the guides before the game. It also comes with a huge collectable poster as well.
Personally I wouldnt waste my money on guides, especially nowadays when a fully detailed guide will turn up on GameFaqs soon enough. If those are worried about getting stuck, or not being able to find that 5th heart piece to make another container... SO WHAT!.
The game was made to be challenging so if you get stuck count it as a blessing cus it means the game isnt 'piss easy' as the saying goes (probs not in the US, and no its not really in my vocabulary :wtf:). If you cant find all the side-quests/items the 1st play through, GOOD!, cus it means you got replay value left, as opposed to merely going back through because you liked it. Dont get me wrong, going back through with such intentions are good, but if those are your sole intentions it probably means you found everything already or your not bothered about additional quests and items, which kinda takes away from hard work the production team have put in.

They put things in seemingly hard to reach places so you would think yourself how to do it, because if they intentionally planned for people to go out and buy a copy of a guide with their game, each and every item would be in Ordona Village from the get go, cus it would be pointless hiding them, for them to be found :wtf:. You would be rewarded with the boss key to the current dungeon just by walking through the doors, and a shinging passage would appear that leads you straight to the boss... then he would drop dead soon as he looks at you, and the game is complete :wtf:

If anything, wait till a guide comes out on sites, because during the time it takes, you may have figured out the solutions to the puzzles and be thinking, "I feel better knowing I worked it out myself and toppled the obstacle, instead of buying a guide and having everything mapped out for me like I'm a baby". Trust me you do feel better finding and solving things on your own, or atleast working problems out between you and a sibling or friend, because you've put heads together instead of merely flicking through pages till you reached the answer to your current predicament. :O
personally I try to beat the game myself first and then if I find that I didn't have all of the hearts and such, I replay it with a guide. That seems to make things a lot more enjoyable to me. I will cheat though and use a guide if I can't figure out some puzzle and I've tried forever
fivestar said:
personally I try to beat the game myself first and then if I find that I didn't have all of the hearts and such, I replay it with a guide. That seems to make things a lot more enjoyable to me. I will cheat though and use a guide if I can't figure out some puzzle and I've tried forever
yup, thats the only time I use 'em. Otherwise you game is spoiled.
Man, I hate guides, they're like getting someone to complete a game for you. The only time I used the likes of guides or walkthroughs on internet is either to get like something that I've spent forever looking for and failed, on if I'm stuck on a bit that seems so impossible that it's ruining the game :)
The only reason why I get guides are just for a collection, a prime example is Kingdom Hearts II, in which I bought the 40 dollar stratagey guide with the game. has a downloadable pdf which serves as a pretty good guide. I'm not sure, but it looks like somebody scanned every page of the actual guide. I've been stuck about two or 3 times, and its worked reasonably well. If you cant find it, put ur eamil address up, and i'll email it to you
i preorded the hard-back guide that comes with a cloth map or something. doesnt ship til the 5th though :mad2:
Blah, like previously stated..why not play the game yourself, you have to get into it to beat it. have to know your stuff about the series in general. Zelda is a classic for a reason, don't spoil it with a lame walkthrough :p. Unless it gets to where you find it impossible, and Im sure by then there should be a guide you can reference online. For free...
Seibar said:
the hard-back guide that comes with a cloth map or something.
Hmmm. I don't like guides genrally but another trhing to stick on my walls hmmmm... wil go nicely with my big wii poster that my brother didn't take *couch* *cough*

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