Issue with Multiplayer (HELP!)


Mar 31, 2007
Erh well I need some help, I bought a Wii like a week ago now. Love it but I can't get Multiplayer to work on Red Steel. I only see a blank window with no options but go back. Clicked every button and synced both wii emotes, what do I need to do to get Multiplayer working? It's driving me nuts sitting here trying to figure out what to do. I did a search on google and the only hit was one post on these boards so I thought I'd give it a try here. Thanks for any help, it's appreciated.

I see the normal Multiplayer screen but where it's supposed to say 2 players, 3 players and 4 players it's blank. Is it supposed to be like that?
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nebben said:
I see the normal Multiplayer screen but where it's supposed to say 2 players, 3 players and 4 players it's blank. Is it supposed to be like that?

Of course its not supposed to be like that. It should be a box with, like you said, 2,3, or 4 players. If you don't get that then i dunno.
EDIT: Oh nevermind, didn't read your post properly - ignore this :)
make sure your second controller is connected, otherwise the options wont come up.
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Still not working, both Wii remotes are connected and they react perfectly fine in Wii Sports but as soon as I try it on Red Steel. Nothing.

before you open the game go into your wii menu and take the back of your controller and theres a red button if you open up the flap on the front of your console there is a matching red hold these 2 buttons in until the light comes on on the controller once this is complete simply open the game and go to the multiplayer mode and the option of 2 player should be there. hope this has helped.

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