Just Like Pictochat... for wii?


WiiChat Member
Jul 2, 2007
i think they should make something like a chat room for wii. where u can add friends and send messages instantly, just like pictochat on the DS. if anyone else has some ideas to improve my idea, please post. :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod:
Ok I will show you why they won't

Pictochat for ds means that you are standing near tosomeone so you must know them
But for the wii then you would need to connect to internet and nintendo doesnt want to be sued for pidophilia
wii_cammy said:
Ok I will show you why they won't

Pictochat for ds means that you are standing near tosomeone so you must know them
But for the wii then you would need to connect to internet and nintendo doesnt want to be sued for pidophilia

The chat room in 42 ATCs (clubhouse games for the Americans) is far superior to pictochat AND it's online.
It uses FC's so as to avoid the paedo issue.In fact I'll be using it in about 4 hours....... If it can be done on the DS it should be done on the Wii.
itd be kinda pointless, you could just use your computer
the reason its cool on the DS is because the DS is a portable, you dont always have access to a computer while using it
Sovieto said:
itd be kinda pointless, you could just use your computer
the reason its cool on the DS is because the DS is a portable, you dont always have access to a computer while using it

I can't disagree with that, but, being able to communicate in real time with your opponent while playing a game is highly entertaining. I don't want to be rushing from one machine to another to play the game then mock, play the game then mock.......
captainff said:
I can't disagree with that, but, being able to communicate in real time with your opponent while playing a game is highly entertaining. I don't want to be rushing from one machine to another to play the game then mock, play the game then mock.......
thats just typical voice chat for in games, which the wii should get or it will seriously lack, but for out of games my reply still stands
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Sovieto said:
itd be kinda pointless, you could just use your computer
the reason its cool on the DS is because the DS is a portable, you dont always have access to a computer while using it

Hm.... Cant disagree either, but i still think it would be a fun idea. and anyways pictochat sucks it only goes like 10 feet
They already have a similar system with the Mailing?

All it takes is a few letters to write, and whoosh, you send them to another Wii Console, and just wait for a reply.
Sovieto said:
thats just typical voice chat for in games, which the wii should get or it will seriously lack, but for out of games my reply still stands

Voice chat bad. Text mockery good........but yes you are right! There is no real need for an out of game chat room when there are already online facilities available (like this one!)which can be accessed via Opera. But it would be nice for online gaming, no?
Groves said:
They already have a similar system with the Mailing?

All it takes is a few letters to write, and whoosh, you send them to another Wii Console, and just wait for a reply.
folks over at IGN tested this and it actually took 5-10 minutes just to send a message to a console in the same office o_o
I've sent letters back and forth with a friend a few miles away and roughly i'd say it took less than a min for a new letter to arrive.

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