Little forum reshuffle


Apr 30, 2006
Some of you have probably already noticed a few little changes on the forums.

Noticeably the addition of 2 new gaming sections and also a forum dedicated to the Virtual Console.

Have fun :)
also that there is no more TOP POSTER section, and that the post of some people are comming down... (ssbb_lover had more than 1000 post and know he has 800+ post) but anyway I dont care too much
Arcadium said:
no answer to my question ? o_O
I'm guessing you wanted to know what happended to your post count, Arcadium. While I'm not entirely sure, I think it went down because all those posts you made in the game threads are now no longer counted as posts.
yes, ion is trying to show that posts arent power.
Maybe something else will represent power, like quality of posts ;)
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Diomedes said:
yes, ion is trying to show that posts arent power.
Maybe something else will represent power, like quality of posts ;)

you're right, im currently looking into a way where you guys get points or something for good posting, sort of like the reputation system but a lot more attractive and appealing.

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