Looking for Black Ops clan

^ how many member you have?

Is they good?

What level, prestige, k/d ratio


I know I'm talking about the r$ clan right now and you probably would have asked me the same question anyway. But the kill/death ratios of the clan members are not great. . . Mine is 1.61. The members who do have below a 1 are increasing their ratios really quickly and possess more potential than shown by KDR. We don't look very highly into KDR but we think it is good to have a good KDR. I use assault rifles a lot too, Galil is my favorite. My Galil KDR is 1.52, but I have around 1400 k/d with it, so thats always a plus.
I have just started a new clan called LETHAL AGGRESSION. I am looking for members. If your interested click the link below to go to the website, Take a look and if your interested in joining just hit register in the side bar.... thanks

If Your Looking For A Good Clan, Please Join us cuz We are Recruiting!!
Clan: Death Squad
Clan Tag: DS[
Website: ds-clan.tk

>>How To Join<<
1. Go To Our Site and you REGISTER!!!
2. Give your Friend Code to smoky DRFT or DS[Young
3. Name you Character to DS[
Thank You!
Hey Miki.
You may join our clan if you want, were looking for recruits.
Our clan is called 'Murda Mobb'. We all have Kdr of 1.05 and better. My Kdr is almost 3.00.
We play many clan wars, together.
Were still deciding wether were going to play in online tournaments.
We would love to accept you, send me a msg if you are interested.

..Kdr isnt everything though. Were more of team players.
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we REALLY need some members im co leader of Scarred Delta we are a clan for mwr and bo please respond to this or if anyelse wants to join you can
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  • #28
Is here ANY clan who take seriously Black Ops gaming. If here are i want to know. I don't want to join clan who don't care about k/d etc.
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  • #29
My KDR is now 1.70. I haven't play a lot COD so mine KDR isn't raising so fast.
Well our clan currently only has 16 members but we are a small elite that as soon as the game starts we hold on to the lead and don't let go of it. Every single one of our members of the Elite Rangers has special skills that attribute to the clan. But we are still looking to recruit more Elite Rangers. So if your interested in joining visit my clan website at http://eorc.forumotion.com/
or send me a ally request: 3127-2252-9270